Transitioning into Adulthood Jennifer Arms Disability benefit specialist
What is an aging & disability resource center? Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are the first place to go with your aging and disability questions. They are "information stations” where you can obtain accurate, unbiased information related to aging or living with a disability. ADRCs offer the general public a single source for information and assistance on issues affecting older people and people with disabilities, regardless of their income. ADRCs are welcoming and convenient locations for you and your family to get information, advice, and access to a variety of services.
Services Provided at the ADRC Information and Assistance Long-Term Care Options Counseling Health and Wellness Benefits Counseling Vital Connections Help Paying for Long-Term Care
Disability benefit specialist Disability Benefit Specialist (DBS)-The Disability Benefit Specialist Program is a service of Wisconsin’s Aging and Disability Resource Centers. Disability Benefit Specialists serve individuals, ages 18-59, with physical disabilities, mental illness, developmental disabilities, and/or substance abuse issues, at no cost. DBS’ provide assistance with public and private benefit programs, including referrals, general information, client-specific analysis, application/renewal procedures, plan options/enrollment, appeal/grievance information, representation in eligibility/coverage denials, and overpayment issues.
DBS Service areas (including, but not limited to) Income Support Health & Long-Term Care Employment Food, Housing, & Utilities
Key players in transition planning ADRC Staff Support Staff Universities, Technical /Community Colleges Employers Independent Living Services Social Security Administration Paraprofessionals School Administrators Student Parents Teachers Community DVR Guidance Social Worker Psychologist Transition Coordinator Aides
Outcomes My life is stable. I am respected and treated fairly. I decide where I want to live. I decide who I want to live with. I decide how I spend my time. I have relationships with family and friends. I do things that are important to me. I am involved in my community. My life is stable. I am respected and treated fairly. I have privacy. I have the best possible health. I feel safe. I am free from abuse and neglect.
Living My Dream: Transitioning to Life After High School At 17 yrs & 6 months call Aging and Disability Resource Center & at 18 Call Social Security Parents or guardian help me with my goals I know my dreams and goals Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Provides information about services, resources and programs. Education 18 Yrs Old Independent Living Options Student Social Security can help with benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Medical Assistance (MA) or Ticket to Work Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) can help me reach my employment goals Teachers help me with my goals Employment UWM MIG 04/15/11 Rev 30
Student role Identify my interests, talents, and passions to pursue after leaving high school. Actively participate in the IEP process and identify my employment and independent living goals. Work toward achieving my goals. Identify supports (people and resources) that can help me achieve my goals. Stay in School. Develop Self-determination & Self-advocacy skills.
Parent role Help my son/daughter identify interests, talents, & passions. Work with IEP team. Work with son/daughter to achieve post school goals. Collaborate with identified support systems. Support my son/daughter in advocating for him/herself.
Teacher role Develop understanding of student’s abilities, interests, passions. Develop & implement transition plan with student & family. Work with student & family to achieve post school goals. Collaborate with identified support systems. Support student in advocating for him/herself.
Important things that happen at 18 Resolve the issue of guardianship and/or related alternatives. Understand Adult Rights & Responsibilities. Disability Determination through SSA and apply for SSI and Medical Assistance if appropriate. May get personalized information directly from Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).
Guardianship Some alternatives may include: Parents need to resolve the issue of guardianship and/or related alternatives Guardianship is the legal power to care for another person and manage his/her affairs: Guardian of the estate -finances Guardian of the person –personal needs Person may be appointed as both Some alternatives may include: Health care power of attorney Conservatorship Representative Payee Dual Signature Accounts
Entitlement vs. Eligibility High school Adult services Special education services are free Services based on IEP initiated by school district Progress toward IEP goal is monitored and communicated to parents & students Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Adult services based on eligibility & vary by agency Services based on ISP initiated by adult Progress toward goals are monitored by consumer & require self-advocacy Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act & the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)