On Mount Peach Wood, Master Shifu gave Ling a mission, which is to go on a journey to Beacon, a school in Bukit Panjang. Ling, your mission is to go on a journey to Beacon, find out more about it. Ok? No problem. I will be back soon.
Ling set off immediately and reached Beacon in a few minutes time. Soon, she was climbing up a hill to reach Beacon. Huh?! I never seen such a long and big hill before!
After reaching Beacon, she met a friend called Something. They played in a VERY BIG parade square. Stop running! Im tired… heh.. heh…. Ha!
After playing, Ling said goodbye to Something and went to the Eco- Garden. Wow! What magnificent view!
After viewing the Eco-Garden, Ling remembered hearing Master Shifu asking her to take a view of the students studying in Beacon. Ai yo… Why stairs again? Im very tired already. Haiz…
After climbing the stairs for 15 minutes, Ling finally reached one of the nearest classrooms. Oops! Being spotted! Better hide! Look!
Ling hid behind a pillar and notice something outside. Goal!
After visiting Beacon, Ling decided that it was time to go back to Mount Peach Wood. Bye Beacon! Hope to see you next time!
After a few minutes, Ling reached Mount Peach Wood. She told Master Shifu about the adventures that she went through in Beacon. How was your journey in Beacon? Hey, Master Shifu. Im back! Do you know that Beacons a very good school for students to study? The students use laptops to study. I also found out that Beacon is actually a future school. It is also very easy to make friends in Beacon. After that, I went……