6 /30 Meeting and Deliverables Proprietary & Confidential Information
Proprietary & Confidential Information Rankings Proprietary & Confidential Information
Proprietary & Confidential Information Rankings This week we have seen a number of keywords that once ranked the homepage, now ranking category pages. Now that Google is ranking the preferred page which is optimized for the keywords it ranks, we should see these keywords gaining steam in coming weeks or months. Keywords ranking with the homepage may still be unstable as the page is not targeting those terms. For example “Evening Dresses Online” is currently ranking the homepage. Proprietary & Confidential Information
Proprietary & Confidential Information XML Sitemap Proprietary & Confidential Information
XML Sitemap Indexation We have been monitoring the XML sitemaps and see that roughly 500 URLS have been submitted Through a crawl of the whole site, then a subsequent crawl of canonical URLS we have identified around 400 pages on the site that should be in the sitemap The total number of pages submitted is 471 which lead us to looking at what else might be getting submitted As it turns out a small number of URLS are making their way into the sitemap that probably shouldn’t. Proprietary & Confidential Information
Proprietary & Confidential Information Soft 404’s In checking 404 reports on Google Webmaster Tools we have found where pages that are not yet “done” are making their way into search. Apparently even if a page isn't ready to be released, but is created, it makes it’s way onto the sitemap which puts that page into the search index. To the right is an example of what one of these pages looks like, and 2 of the errors being reported which show where the inlinks come from. FPD will evaluated all 89 Soft 404’s and found that only a few of them require further action if any Proprietary & Confidential Information
Proprietary & Confidential Information Soft 404’s We have scanned the list of soft 404’s presented by Google and found that many of them are showing a blank page We have gone through all of the reported soft 404’s and identified those that need attention. Proprietary & Confidential Information
Proprietary & Confidential Information 404 Error Code Monitoring We have been monitoring the number of 404 errors present on the site and have found that the majority of what is being reported by Google is still pages that resulted from the site being hacked pre-launch We have marked these pages as fixed in Google Webmaster Tools. Proprietary & Confidential Information
Indexation Monitoring Currently there are 3,160 pages being sited as in the index for AdriannaPapell.com With around 500 pages on the sitemap this doesn’t add up quite right. It seems many of these pages are product size and color variation related. Proprietary & Confidential Information
PowerReview Code Still In Staging Mode We discovered a line of code on every page of the site that seems to be not updated. This string is highlighted to the right. We suggest replacing this with the proper ID Officially this is not a SEO or ranking factor, though our intuition is that Google does not like to see the words “ STAGING TEST ONLY” in live code that it’s users hit. Issues like this could be a sign of a sloppy website which they are known to not like and could be considered a “Quality Issue” which is what their most recent update was aimed at. Proprietary & Confidential Information
Variation URLS in Index These variation URLS in the index would / should be handled by our canonical tags but are not Currently we believe the links in the HTML to these variation pages to be what is causing them to show up in search. Ideally we would take 2 additional steps to remove these unwanted pages from the index: Add this directory to robots.txt. Add nofollow/noIndex tags http://www.adriannapapell.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-adriannapapell-Site/default/Product-Variation?pid=18190721&dwvar_18190721_fit=&dwvar_18190721_color=MNT Proprietary & Confidential Information