Prepared by: Ms. Erum Fatima AGRICULTURE Prepared by: Ms. Erum Fatima
Definition Agriculture is the occupation, of working on the land to grow crops. It can also include raising animals for food or producing milk. Or, raising poultry for food. A simple word for agriculture is farming.
Importance of Agriculture Pakistan is basically an agricultural country. It has two important resources [a] fertile land [b] water. Agriculture industry is the major source of employment in Pakistan. Agriculture has a great contribution towards the GDP of Pakistan it has the third largest share in the GDP of Pakistan Agriculture is helping many industries in Pakistan by providing raw material to the industries.
Farming Seasons in Pakistan
MAJOR CROPS OF PAKISTAN (A) FOOD CROPS (B) CASH CROPS Wheat Cotton Rice Sugarcane Maize Tobacco Gram Oil Seed Barley Vegetable Oils
Uses of Crops Crops are use for; Food Raw materials for industry Animal food Earning foreign exchange.
Types of Agriculture in Pakistan There are four types of agricultural systems: Small- scale subsistence farming: In this type of farming, cultivation is done on a small scale that only farmer’s family can get food.
2) Cash crop farming: In this type of farming, the crops are grown for sale to obtain money.
3) Livestock farming: In this type of farming farmers rear animals so to obtain milk, meat, skin from them. Many of the times few of these animals are use for ploughing and transportation.
Commercial Farming: In this type of farming, farmers grow crops on the large scale, so they can sell it to gain profit. For this type of farming farmers use machines like treshers, harvesters and tractors.