Women’s Family Law Court Support Service About Us The Women’s Family Law Court Support Service provides a safe and supportive service to all women and children escaping Domestic and Family violence who need additional support, information, referral and advocacy. Please be advised that the service cannot offer legal advice, however we can offer assistance to obtain legal advice by referring you to other services, such as legal aid, or put you in contact with the Duty Solicitor at Court. The Court and Your Safety If you have any safety concerns whilst at court, let the Service know and a worker will make sure that the Court Security Staff put measures in place to ensure your safety. Contact Details Location: Sydney Family Law Registry Lionel Bowen Building 97 – 99 Goulburn Street, Sydney 2001 Service Hours: Monday – Friday from 8:30am – 4:30pm Phone: (02) 9217 7389 Mobile: 0422 874 201 Fax: (02) 9212 4059 Email: sruti.wflcss@awccs.com.au Women’s Family Law Court Support Service
Useful Contact Numbers: What can the service do for you? Domestic Violence Line Offers counselling & emergency accommodation referral: 1800 656 463 (24hr service) NSW Rape & Domestic Violence Services: 1800 737 732 Law Access NSW: 1300 888 529 (TTY – 1300 889 529) TTY numbers are for those who have a hearing or speech impairment Police: 000 (TTY – 106) Women’s Legal Services NSW: (02) 8745 6999 Translating & Interpreting Services: 131 450 Wirringa Baiya (Aboriginal Women’s legal Centre): 9569 3847 Indigenous Women’s Legal Contact line: 1800 639 784 Link 2 Home (Emergency Accommodation: Available 9am – 10pm): 1800 152 152 NSW Rape Crisis Centre: 1800 424 017 Aboriginal Women & Children’s Outreach Support Service: 0402 216 346 Domestic and Family violence covers a broad range of controlling behaviours, including those of a physical, sexual, and/or psychological nature. It usually involves fear, harm, intimidation, financial and emotional abuse. THE LAW TAKES FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VERY SERIOUSLY It is important that you tell the court staff or your legal representative as soon as possible if you and your children have been experiencing Domestic/Family violence, and/or you have any concerns about child abuse that has occurred before, during, or after separation. What can the service do for you? Provide information and support in relation to the court process and court system Accompany you to court appointments, and court hearings Assist you in accessing Legal Aid Duty Solicitors and other court personnel Advocacy support Referral to other services Provide assistance with completing forms and documents