WELCOME Mrs. Michelle Miller 7th ELA 7th Pre-AP/GT ELA 7th Writing Lab
About Your Teacher Mrs. Miller – 18th year teaching middle school 11th year at FSMS teaching 7th grade Certified as ELA 4th-8th in Texas with GT and Pre-AP training. M. Ed. Educational Leadership and Supervision
Contact Information Michelle.miller2@fortbend.k12.tx.us 281-634-7310 http://www.FSMSnest.weebly.com Edmodo
Edmodo for Parents 1. To obtain the parent code, have the student log into their account. The code is located on the left side of the student home screen (scroll down past Groups and Communities). 2. Go to www.edmodo.com. Click “Parent.” 3. In the pop-up box, fill in the required information including the parent code in the top field
Tutorials Thursday morning from 8:15 to 8:45 By appointment Ms. Rizvi – Tuesday 8:15 – 8:45 Ms. Perez – Friday 8:15 – 8:45 By appointment
Conferences 6th Period: 2:10 to 3:00 on regular days 2:20 to 3:05 on advisory days Before or after school, by appt.
7th Grade ELA Reading Process Writing Speaking/Listening Writing Grammar, Usage, Mechanics Literary Analysis Research Vocabulary
7th Writing Lab ELA Support in writing Current Events Reading – Author’s Craft STAAR Practice Writing Grammar, Usage, Mechanics
Assignments Daily Assignments: Homework/Classwork, Quizzes, Reading Activities, Vocabulary, Binder Checks, Reading Response Log Checks, Journal Checks, etc… Major Grades: Tests, Essays, Projects, Journal Rewrites, Literary Analysis, Interactive Reading Spiral and Reflections etc…
Novels Dark Water Rising by Marian Hale (fall semester) Full Tilt by Neal Shusterman (spring semester)
Materials ELA Binder: Do Now’s Notes WOW’s G.U.M. Assignments/Homework
Materials ELA Interactive Reading Spiral Reading Log Reading Responses Reading Vocabulary Literary Luminary
Interactive Reading Spiral Read 1 hour in 1 week: 1 Reflection 1 Literary Luminary 1 Vocab Entr Each Nine Weeks Grading Period: 7 hours and entries in each area due per nine weeks as a major grade. IDEAS on WHAT to read: tweentribune.com Ideas: Nonfiction Articles/Poetry/Novels /Newspaper/Online Political/Sports/Entertainment Articles Cross Genre text will be the focus through the year for the IRS. PreAP will have additional literary analysis essays outside of class per semester on character and theme for outside reading. Kindles and ipads are allowed for reading.
Materials Writing Lab Spiral
Grading Policy Daily Work (50%) Major Grades (50%) The weight of each assignment will be announced when the assignment is given.
Students wishing to be reassessed must do so during tutorials. Retesting For tests that are below 70%, students have the opportunity to be reassessed for a grade up to a 75%. (should attend a tutorial) For students who made between 70% - 79% may make test corrections to raise their grade to a 75%. Students wishing to be reassessed must do so during tutorials.
Late Work Policy Assignments are due at the beginning of the period. If a student fails to turn in an assignment when it is collected, it will be considered LATE. Students will receive partial credit for assignments turned in late.
Make-Up Work Students need to see me for missed assignment explanation of the assignment. The number of class meetings that are missed for excused absences is equal to the number of class periods that will be given to make the work up. If an absence occurs when an assignment is due or on a test day, the student is responsible for turning in the assignment or taking the missed exam upon return. Check Edmodo for missed assignments
Textbooks Literature, Holt McDougal WriteSource, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Wish List Tissues Hand Sanitizer Paper Towels
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