By Ru Shen Department of Computer Science UAlbany, 2008 Spring Framework By Ru Shen Department of Computer Science UAlbany, 2008
Outline of the presentation History of Spring The framework What is it good for? Spring Inversion of Control Spring Aspect Oriented Programming My experience with Spring AOP Installing Spring References Small assignment
A little bit of history Who Rod Johnson (Sydney University) When Spring was started in Feb 2003. What Spring is an open source framework for building enterprise Java applications.
Overview of Spring framework Picture excerpted from Manning – Spring in Action by Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach
Overview of Spring framework continued The core container is the fundamental layer of the framework that provides Inversion of Control functionality. Application context module extends the core modules by supplying many enterprise services such as JNDI access, remote access, multi-language support and scheduling. AOP module provides rich support for aspect-oriented programming.
Overview of framework contintued JDBC layer simplifies the process of database connection. ORM module provides compatibility to existing framework such as Hibernate, JDO and TopLink. Web module provides a context for web-based applications. Spring comes with a full-featured MVC framework for building web applications.
What is Spring good for? Allows you to build applications with Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) containing only the business logic. vs EJB The famous “Inversion of Control”. Compatible with various ORM technology, such as TopLink and Hibernate. Provides a testing framework that you can perform unit testing on. Supports Aspect Oriented Programming. Supports Model-View-Controller framework.
Spring IoC IoC stands for Inversion of Control Hollywood Principle: “Don’t call me, I’ll call you.” In a nutshell … inversion of control is about: the responsibility of coordinating collaboration between dependent objects is transferred away from the objects themselves. – Spring in Action
Traditional approach In order to use object B, object A has to instantiate from Class B. In order to use object C, object B has to instantiate from Class C. Object A Object B Class B Object C Class C
Problem with traditional approach Classes are tightly coupled Hard to test: A← B, B← C Hard to reuse Hard to understand: cannot see the main flow Hard to maintain: fixing one bug may result creating more new bugs Utilizing interface will not solve the problem
Revised approach changes … <beans> <bean id=A class=A> <property name=b> <ref bean=B> </property> </bean> <bean id=B class=B> <property name=c> <ref bean=C> <bean id=C class=C/> </beans> Class A{ private BGroup b; … Public void setBGroup(BGroup b){ this.b = b; } Interface BGroup Class B{ private CGroup c; … Public void setCGroup(CGroup c){ this.c = c; } Class B’ Class B’’ Interface CGroup Class C Class C’ Class C’’
Components of Spring IoC IoC is practiced using Dependency Injection Two forms of DI: Setter Injection and Constructor Injection Code are decoupled with interface Spring IoC Container is the platform Bean factory produce beans Configuration file defines beans and the main flow
Demonstrate Spring IoC Bean factory is created with a single line of code Beans are obtained from the bean factory Picture excerpted from Manning – Spring in Action by Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach
Demonstrate Spring IoC continued Picture excerpted from Manning – Spring in Action by Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach
Demonstrate Spring IoC continued Things to notice: Class implements interface A setter method Container calls the setter What’s the impact: Any class that implements “Knight” can be called at run time Knight is GIVEN a quest rather than GETTING a quest Picture excerpted from Manning – Spring in Action by Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach
Demonstrate Spring IoC continued An example of Constructor Injection Picture excerpted from Manning – Spring in Action by Craig Walls and Ryan Breidenbach
Summarize Spring IoC Decoupling with interface Configuration file defines the rules Objects are given rather than obtained More options in the configuration file Inheritance between the beans Singleton or non-singleton Abstract beans The Spring container glues everything together
Spring AOP Aspect-Oriented Programming AOP complements OOP Decompose programs into aspects (concerns) An aspect crosscuts multiple programs Common aspects: Exception handling Transaction management Logging Security checking
Aspect-Oriented Programming Class A Class B Class C Aspect 1 (logging) Aspect 2 (security check) Classes handle functional requirements Use cases Functions Aspects handle non-functional requirements Security Logging One aspect usually impacts multiple classes. It’s tedious to implement the aspect in each class.
AOP concepts Aspect Join point – A method invocation Advice – Action to take at a join point Point cut – A set of join points Target – Object containing the join point AOP proxy and advisor – Objects for weaving the above components together
Type of Advices in AOP Before advice After advice Around advice Executed before a joint point. After advice Executed after a joint point completes. Around advice Most powerful one. Both before and after. Throws advice Before throwing an exception After throwing an exception
Weave the components together Advice Point cut Advisor + = + A method of Target = Deploy it to the Spring container! Proxy
My experience with Spring AOP The purpose: exception handling Background: Java Enterprise Application on EJB Backend Weblogic server Front end Swing Uniformed method for exception handling – prompt the formatted error messages to users
AOP continued … Vehicle management Driver management Add vehicle / driver Remove vehicle / driver Update vehicle / driver Search vehicle / driver Management module Vehicle management … Driver management … Scheduling module Dispatch module Report module
AOP continued Without using AOP, each exception has to be handled individually, even though they are handled in the same way. With AOP, we don’t handle exceptions in individual classes. We just throw them. One advice is sufficient to handle a group of exceptions.
AOP continued Spring embedded AOP objects ThrowsAdvice RegexpMethodPointcutAdvisor ProxyFactoryBean MyVehicleProxy ThrowsAdvice Pointcut Regular expression pattern Vehicle management bean MyAdvice ProxyFactoryBean RegexpMethodPointcutAdvisor MyAdvisor
Summarize Spring AOP Embedded objects to facilitate AOP implementation, runtime Works for Spring beans only – vehicle management bean has to be deployed in the container More things to explore with beforeAdvice, afterAdvice and aroundAdvice
Install Spring 1. Download Spring framework from 2. Include the downloaded spring.jar in your $CLASSPATH. Maybe you need to download apache commons logging package: commons-logging-1.1.jar. It is used internally by Spring. 3. Write your first configuration file. 4. Create bean factory by specifying the location of the configuration file. 5. Refer each class through their bean name 6. Start writing your Java classes.
Reference Introduction by Rod Johnson on The Server Side Manning – Spring in Action Spring reference documentation
A small assignment Using Spring, write a simple program that prints the configuration of different brands of cars. Define Car as an interface. Try printing the configuration of different brands of cars by writing different implementation of Car. Modify the configuration file at runtime to switch between the cars every time and see the output.