Dhiraj Parashar Shiva Prasad Behera Vivek Sharma RISC vs. CISC Dhiraj Parashar Shiva Prasad Behera Vivek Sharma 11/9/2018 CS654
Overview Introduction Key arguments Comparisons Post-RISC Current Trends I’ll begin this presentation by given an introduction of the risc/cisc. We will try to reason out what factors led to evolution of risc and cisc, and what effects these archi’s have on the system development. 11/9/2018 CS654
CISC Evolution Storage and Memory Support for high-level languages High cost of memory. Need for compact code. Support for high-level languages Ease of adding new microinstructions Marketing Strategy Compilers were at very early state of development then. To sell there product the marketing people needed to show that there product is more complex and therefore has a better performance. 11/9/2018 CS654
CISC Effects Moved complexity from s/w to h/w Compact code Ease of compiler design (HLLCA) Easier to debug Lengthened design times Increased design errors Close the semantic gap between hll and machine code As pointed out in one of the papers the microinsruction code became so complex that several patches had to applied after the release. 11/9/2018 CS654
RISC Evolution Increasingly cheap memory Improvement in compiler technology Patterson: “Make the common case fast” More complex instructions never used by compilers. These rarely used instructions could be eliminated without any loss in performance. We are directly executing the instructions…no microprogramming. Uniform instruction format IBM example 48 represents 90.08 of all the instr. executed out of 183 for a cobol compiler. 11/9/2018 CS654
RISC Effect Move complexity from h/w to s/w Provided a single-chip solution Better use of chip area Better Speed Feasibility of pipelining Single cycle execution stages Uniform Instruction Format As microinstruction h/w is thrown out we can add more registers and caches for improved performance. 11/9/2018 CS654
Key arguments RISC argument CISC argument for a given technology, RISC implementation will be faster current VLSI technology enables single-chip RISC when technology enables single-chip CISC, RISC will be pipelined when technology enables pipelined CISC, RISC will have caches CISC argument CISC flaws not fundamental (fixed with more transistors) Moore’s Law will narrow the RISC/CISC gap (true) software costs will dominate (very true) 11/9/2018 CS654
Role of Compiler:RISC vs. CISC CISC instruction: MUL <addr1>, <addr2> RISC instructions: LOAD A, <addr1> LOAD B, <addr2> MUL A, B STORE <addr1> RISC is dependent on optimizing compilers 1). Load delay slot. 2) Advantage of non-blocking cache in case of a cache miss. 11/9/2018 CS654
Comparisons The Case for RISC (1980) Colwell et al. (1985) Introductory paper advocating RISC Colwell et al. (1985) Comparison studies misleading Envisions use of techniques from both Clark, Bhandarkar (1990) MIPS M/2000 vs. VAX 8700 Unfair comparison (?!) 11/9/2018 CS654
Post-RISC Architecture Additional functional units for superscalar Additional “non-RISC” (but fast) instructions Increased pipeline depth Branch prediction Out of order execution 11/9/2018 CS654
Current Trends P6 - x86 instructions decoded into RISC-like instructions (ROps) Intel called this hack CRISC. This concept was so moronic that even Intel could not market it! IA-64 - dependence on compilers for scheduling Athlon – both direct execution and micro-programmed instructions 11/9/2018 CS654
Thanks! 11/9/2018 CS654