TPHS Information Night Welcome prospective TPHS science students
TPHS Choices & Information Night
What makes TPHS science great! A wide variety of courses with experience instructors (avg. experience level of science staff is more than a decade..) Supportive staff for extra help, science tutoring center, science related extra-curricular activities such as science fair, academic team, student science journals, science related clubs
TPHS science related extracurricular activities JOURNYS student run and published scientific journal IGEM synthetic biology club Biology, physics, chemistry Olympiad opportunities Opportunities for internships and summer programs- Marine engineering, UCSD oncofertility, salk institute, USC energy, etc.
TPHS Science Student Preparation TPHS Students are well prepared for college level science, including work at CSU, UC, Ivy League, and private colleges. TPHS students participate in internships, scholarship programs, and science competitions (Intel, Siemens, etc.) TPHS students participate in realistic and relevant lab activities such as field work and service learning projects.
Standards driven curriculum The curriculum is tied to the district and state standards. Students excel on California standards testing in science subject areas. The collaborative and collegial curriculum development means teachers work in conjunction to plan curriculum, create relevant assessments, plan hands on lab activities, and use formative assessments to guide instruction.
Common Core Science Reading standards Writing Standards CCSS for Reading in Science R1. Cite textual evidence to support claims. R2. Determine the central idea of a text. R3. Precisely follow a multistep procedure. R4. Determine the meaning of subject-specific terms and symbols. R5. Analyze the relationships among concepts. R6. Analyze the author’s purpose in a text. R7. Translate information from one format to another. R8. Assess how the author’s claim is supported by evidence. R9. Synthesize information from a range of sources. R10. Independently and proficiently read texts of appropriate complexity. CCSS for Writing in Science W1. Write coherent arguments focused on discipline-specific content. W2. Write informative texts, including procedures and processes. W4. Produce clear and coherent writing. W5. Plan, edit, and revise writing. W6. Publish and revise writing using modern tools. W7. Conduct research projects using multiple sources. W8. Search for and evaluate sources of information. W9. Draw evidence from texts to support analysis. W10. Write for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Transition to the Next Generation Science Standards What’s Different in the Next Generation Science Standards? Every NGSS standard has three dimensions: disciplinary core ideas (content), scientific and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts. Currently, most state and district standards express these dimensions as separate entities, leading to their separation in both instruction and assessment. The integration of rigorous content and application reflects how science is practiced in the real world. Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are designed so as not be taught in a vacuum; the NGSS encourage integration with multiple core concepts throughout each year. Science concepts will build coherently across K-12. The emphasis of the NGSS is a focused and coherent progression of knowledge from grade band to grade band, allowing for a dynamic process of building knowledge throughout a student’s entire K-12 scientific education. The NGSS focus on a smaller set of Disciplinary Core Ideas that all students should know by the time they graduate from high school – focus involving deeper understanding and application of content than the often fact-driven standards currently in use in states and districts. Science and engineering are integrated into science education by raising engineering design to the same level as scientific inquiry in science classroom instruction at all levels, and emphasizing the core ideas of engineering and technology. The NGSS coordinate with English language arts and Mathematics Common Core State Standards. This allows an opportunity both for science to be a part of a child’s comprehensive education as well as ensuring an aligned pace of learning in all content areas. The three sets of standards overlap in meaningful and substantive ways. Next Generation Science Standards Explained
Course Offerings College Prep Courses AP Level Courses AP Physics1&2 Biology Chemistry or Honors Chemistry Physics Also elective courses Marine Biology Earth & Space Science Research methods Intro. To Biotechnology Anatomy/Physiology AP Physics1&2 AP Physics C AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Biology
Need more information Talk with students about their TPHS experiences! Speak with teachers! Individual core content teachers would be happy to answer content and curriculum questions… TPHS science department webpage has links to course profiles, science pathways, and UC/CSU guidelines
SCIENCE PATHWAYS AT TORREY PINES: SUGGESTIONS FOR SUCCESS Science Pathways Flowchart chart is intended to be used as a guide to assist students with planning their academic future. These recommendations are based on CA state sequencing and staff expertise. The pathways chart represents suggested sequences to present opportunities for success for the student profiles listed. Other possibilities do exist. It is our goal to help students construct their knowledge sequentially at a course pace that is appropriate for the intended ability and skill level. Selecting courses that are appropriate for a student’s current ability and skills is a crucial step for student success. Please check the detailed course descriptions online at NoteAP (Advanced Placement) courses are college level courses designed for accelerated students to gain exposure to the rigor and pace of a collegiate science curriculum (i.e they are equivalent in workload, rigor, breadth, and pace of an equivalent 4 year university course). For success at the AP level in high school, students should have the required science skills, prior coursework, a history of academic success, and appropriate math skills for the course they are enrolling in.
TPHS “extra help” See individual teachers that are content experts in their topic, whether biology, chemistry, physics, etc. Most teachers are available for one on one help at lunch and after school. Peer tutoring center everyday after school for one hour in the learning commons. Science specific tutoring days