Grammars (قواعد في اللغة الانجليزية) Page 8 Grammars (قواعد في اللغة الانجليزية) 1. Verb + Preposition + noun + gerund
(1) Preposition + Gerund +Noun + Pronoun حرف جر + مصدر+ اسم + ضمير Prepositions can be followed by nouns, pronouns, or gerunds = ( v + ing). I apologized to Allison. (noun)اسم I apologized for forgetting her graduation day. (gerund)مصدر I apologized to her. (pronoun) ضمير حرف الجر يرتبط بفعل معين ويمكن ان يأتي بعده اسم او ضمير او مصدر More examples about verbs and prepositions المزيد من الامثلة على افعال مرتبطة بحروف جر معينة.
Verb + Preposition + Gerund Some verbs are usually followed by certain prepositions. I apologize for arriving late. يعتذرلاجل...) ( I decided against wearing a uniform.(يقرر عدم.... ) I look forward to meeting you personally. (يتطلع الى...) I insist on paying for our lunch. (يصر على...) I’m thinking of moving to a new house soon.(يفكر في.) I succeeded in getting into college. (ينجح في...) I’m dreaming of going on vacation. (يحلم بـــ...) I asked about applying for a job.(سأل عن...) بعض الأفعال يأتي بعدها ويرتبط بها حرف جر خاص بها فقط.
Adjective + Preposition + Gerund Some adjectives are followed by certain prepositions. I’m tired of waiting for an answer. (متعب من....) I’m used to having coffee at breakfast. (اعتاد على....) كذلك بعض الصفات يأتي بعدها ويرتبط بها حرف جر خاص بها فقط. More Verbs or adjectives + Preposition
Exercises: Verb + Preposition + Noun or Gerund or Pronoun of 1. I'm thinking _______ learning either Italian or Spanish. 2. He decided__________ travelling to Africa. 3. I always ask my teacher ________ my English level. 4. Do you look ______________ seeing your brother? 5. I don't succeed _____memorizing so many words ! against about forward to in
Exercises: Verb + Preposition + Noun or Gerund or Pronoun 6. She’s not good ____managing her money. 7. He insisted ____ buying a new car. 8. He apologized _____ being late. 9. I am dreaming ___studying medicine. 10. I’m interested ____ using computer. at on for of in
All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018 Prepared by. Khalid S. A. Al Shahrani All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018