What is almsgiving? Almsgiving is a term used to describe financial or material offering toward the poor. This involves giving material to another as an act of religious virtue.
Almsgiving Almsgiving is tied closely with fasting. Whatever we give up, the money we save, should go towards the needy. It should be given away to the missions, the church, or a worthy charity. In a family with small children, it helps to make this a visual practice for example, having a jar or a box in the center of the table as a reminder and a measure of progress.
Why is almsgiving important during lent? almsgiving is simply a response by us to God, a response that we have come to through prayer and fasting. It is an expression of our gratitude for all that God has given us.
Examples of almsgiving “Jesus presented almsgiving as a necessary part of Christian life,” Deep prayer is part of the package. It’s not simply almsgiving. There’s a big connection between sharing with the poor and deepening prayer life.”