Kaufmann Haggadah. Spain, late 14th C. The Marriage of Rigault d'Oureille and Catherine de Rance French, 1476
Filippo Brunellschi (1377-1446) Leone Battista Alberti (1404-1472)
This woodcut by Albrecht Dürer illustrates Alberti's idea.
Raphael, The School of Athens (1509)
Andrea Mantegna St.James before Herod Agrippa, c. 1455
MASACCIO: Tribute Money, c.1425
Dürer, St. Jerome dans sa Cellule (1514)
MONET:Street in Ste. Adresse, c. 1869
Desargues’ Theorem
Pascal’s Mystic Hexagon http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/8033/room/hexgram/hexgram.html