“Other” Breakout Session Summary Joint NASA-FAA ODM Workshop, Kansas City October 22, 2015 Facilitators: Michael Patterson, Bill Fredericks
Forming 2 additional roadmap working groups (next 2 slides) Disposition of “Other” Breakout Recommendations (summary and running comments by Ken Goodrich/Michael Patterson, in red) Forming 2 additional roadmap working groups (next 2 slides) Manufacturing, Integrated Structures, and Community Impact (MISC) (Michael Patterson lead) ODM Airspace Integration (OAI) (Ken Goodrich, initial lead) Many other recommendations reside well in Electric Propulsion (EP) and Simplified Vehicle Operations (SVO) and will be handled by those working groups Improved certification methods are integral to all working groups and will be integrate into these groups rather than stand alone
ODM Airspace Integration Digital data-link between aircraft and ATC High-density operations Networked aircraft Decentralized ATM Aircraft self-separation Can pull from UAS technologies Automated and optimized ATM Interaction with UAS traffic Interaction between ground traffic management and air traffic Uber with air vehicles – want car to be waiting for you when you arrive at airport
Manufacturing, Integrated Structures, and Community Impact (Slide 1 of 2) : Manufacturing and Integrated Structures 3-D printing/additive manufacturing Including hybrid manufacturing: utilize 3-d printed structure in part of conventional composite layup Materials characterization/inspection for additive manufacturing Design handbook including “casting factors” (safety factors) for additive manufactured materials Automated composite layup Flexible robotic manufacturing Recurring and non-recurring cost studies (for new manufacturing techniques) Compare alternative production systems based on process time and investment Find “tipping points” where additive manufacturing, automated composite layup, etc. are beneficial Multifunctional structures, for example Structural batteries / energy storage Morphing/deployable structures Crashworthy structures Occupant protection Energy absorption Can we do coupon testing with 3-d printed structures?
Perception & human response design and certification requirements Manufacturing, Integrated Structures, and Community Impact (Slide 2 of 2): Acoustics Perception & human response design and certification requirements Liner technologies Design tools, methods, and studies for low-noise propulsors Acoustic metamaterials Shielding / directed noise Active noise control/damping Variable/specific prop tip speed to reduce noise Quiet ducted fan design/materials Motor/controller noise (e.g., rim-driven motors)
Lightly process inputs from “Other” breakout sessions…
More flexible Methods for means of compliance Enable continuous production and product changes/improvements Certification by analysis Delineation between major/minor changes Clarification between process and product changes Improving certification processes is an over riding goal and will be integral to the four working groups
Acoustics Perception & human response design and certification requirements Liner technologies Design tools, methods, and studies for low-noise propulsors Acoustic metamaterials Shielding / directed noise Active noise control/damping Variable/specific prop tip speed to reduce noise Quiet ducted fan design/materials Motor/controller noise (e.g., rim-driven motors) Part of formed Manufacturing, Integrated Structures, and Community Impact working group.
Efficient Air Traffic Integration (Management) High-density operations Digital data-link between aircraft and ATC We have today apparently Networked aircraft Decentralized ATM Self-separation Can pull from UAS technologies Automated and optimized ATM UAS traffic interaction Interaction between ground traffic management and air traffic Uber with air vehicles Formed ODM Airspace Integration working group given the importance of airspace to ODM feasibility. OAI initial contact point is Ken Goodrich
Manufacturing and Structures/Materials 3-D printing/additive manufacturing Hybrid: utilize 3-d printed structure in part of conventional composite layup Automated composite layup Multi-functional structures Energy storage Energy collection (solar panels) Integrated systems (eg part of structure is circuit board) Deployable/morphing structures (including propellers) Flexible robotic manufacturing Materials characterization/inspection Design handbook including “casting factors” (safety factors) Recurring and non-recurring cost studies (process time and investment; compare alternative production systems) Part of formed Manufacturing, Integrated Structures, and Community Impact working group. Initial lead is Michael Patterson
Infrastructure Utilization of airports Make airports ‘multi-use’ (put manufacturing capabilities there?) Information distribution Electric (charging, electrical grid, battery swaps, etc.) Electrolyte-based, hydrogen-based UAS/autonomous manned aircraft have new needs? Economic studies System study into need for building new “vertiports” or sharing spaces such as soccer fields System studies into things happening in auto industry and how it impacts aviation Thermal ground support equipment (e.g., heating batteries, on hot day pre-cool fuel) New ground infrastructure on ground so we don’t have to carry equipment in the air Eg., cooling fuel, don’t have to have life jackets because you’ll get them OAI EP Nasa role is system studies?? (All working groups) (EP) (EP, SVO) Items delegated to appropriate working group
System Energy Management Recovery of waste heat Radiator design methods/tools Topics fit within (EP)
Public Perception Outreach (School-based) education Decreased downwash velocities (from propulsors; really a perceived safety) Work packages should consider public perception and outreach issues and activities in their products
Aerodynamics Utilize past research Laminar flow (fuselage) Boundary layer ingestion Tip propellers Propulsion-aero/airframe integration Specifically off-nominal operations New high-lift technologies Aerodynamics integrated with EP working group
Safety Steerable BRS/full airplane parachutes Consider survivability in water after using chute Air bags (full aircraft, better interior) Complete powertrain redundancy (from energy source to propulsor) Crashworthiness Crumple zones Energy absorbance structures Adaptive reserve requirements Consider landing wait times Minimizing crash damage to ground assets Battery crashworthiness/design requirements MISC MISC MISC Crosscuts EP, SVO, OAI Crosscuts EP, SVO, MISC EP
Scheduling Uber-like app Multi-modal connectivity delegated to SVO, OAI