The most preventable cause of pre-mature Death in the US! ADDICTION NOTES The most preventable cause of pre-mature Death in the US!
General Notes 50 million addicted to cigarettes 11 million addicted to gambling 14 million addicted to alcohol Addictive Drug: Any substance that causes physiological and psychological dependence. General Notes
Magic Pill for Alcohol? Naltrexone – pill to deal with cravings Blocks the opiod receptors that stimulate pleasure. Used for 20 years Heroin Symptoms of Detox: (adjusting w/o alcohol & drugs) extreme anxiety fever hallucinations DT’s – Delirium Tremens (uncontrollable shaking) Sobriety: living w/o alcohol Alcoholic: an addict who is addicted to alcohol Final stage of alcoholism is addiction Magic Pill for Alcohol?
Role of the Liver….. Main Chemical Factory of the Body. Function: to detoxify and process food and drink. Metabolism: the process by which our body breaks down substances. 3-5 drinks a day can cause CIRRHOSIS (Scarring of the liver) Cirrhosis strikes 1 million people a year (CDC) Role of the Liver…..
Nicotine #1 Addiction in the US 10 seconds to reach the brain 43 cancer causing agents in 1 cigarette Carcinogen – Any cancer causing agent 4,000 Chemicals identified in tobacco smoke. Dangers of Tobacco - chemicals destroy healthy air sacs – low red blood cells – no oxygen (21 minutes) No BUTTS tango Losing my Way Nicotine