Trench Warfare “Over the Top!”
Wilfred Laurier “The 20th Century Belongs to Canada! “
Why did he say that? It seemed ridiculous at the time that a sparsely populated, weakly industrialized country with tons of cultural infighting could be a world player at all, but this course is about how Canada turned around all of those areas to become a member of the G8 and one of the UN Human development index top 6 places to live in the world. His prediction, though disregarded at the time, in hindsight seems prophetic.
1900 Canada is: 1. A British colony -own government, but can’t resolve foreign disputes (Ie. Alaska Boundary Dispute) -English proud British subjects, French want own country, don’t support Boer War, want language rights 2. Victorian values -religious, women had few rights, literature has happy ending, harsh laws, enjoy sports, little concern for the environment
3. Racist (Chinese Head Tax, Komagata Maru), build West with Ukrainians etc, but don’t like them, Aboriginals forced onto reserves supposed to farm, but not given resources, residential schools force assimilation 4. Rural -most people live on farms, but cities and factories are growing -Cities are unsanitary 5. Technology/Economy -phones, radio, cars, airplanes, x-ray, sanitation in hospitals -gold rush, mining, Panama Canal makes shipping easier, developing unions
1. Autonomous of British Government (own charter, constitution) 2. Canadian Values -Polite, environmentally conscious, celebrates diversity, peacekeepers 3. Multi-cultural Society (open immigration laws) 4.Urban 5. Technology/Economy -Computers, internet, Ipods, GPS, satellites - Tourism, resources, technology