Change Notice of Intent (NOI) Multi-Sector General Permit: MSGP Change Notice of Intent (NOI)
CDX Login to your CDX account Click on your associated Role located next to the NETEPAMSGP program service name to enter the MSGP application
MSGP- Actions To change data from a Notice of Intent (NOI): Click on the “Actions” drop- down list located on the left side of the NOI you would like to change/edit
MSGP- Create change noi Click on “Create Change NOI” from “Actions” drop-down list
MSGP- Create A pop-up window will appear stating a Change NOI has been created Click on “Go to Form” to continue with Change NOI
MSGP- Change NOI Data You will be redirected to the NOI form Click on the section you would like to change/edit by clicking on the header to display that section’s data fields
MSGP- Certify form Once you have updated your NOI, click on the “Certification Information” header Click on “Certify Form” and “Next” to complete the Change NOI process
MSGP- Certify change noi A pop-up window will appear Read Statement carefully Click “Accept” to certify and complete Change NOI
MSGP- Sign After clicking Accept, you will be redirected to certify Change NOI by electronically signing form by entering your: CDX password A signature answer and Clicking “Sign”
MSGP- Certify change noi A pop-up window will appear stating you have certified your Change NOI form and will receive an email
MSGP- Email Certification The email notification will be sent to the email associated with your CDX account The email will state the recently certified Change NOI has been granted coverage under MSGP Email attached with a loadable PDF Copy of Record (COR)