William Shakespeare Born: 1564 Birthplace: Stratford-on-Avon Died: April 1616 Just one month after he made his will
Shakespeare’s Father Made gloves for a living An important man in town His business ran into problems when Shakespeare was 13 Shakespeare had to leave school to learn a trade
Marriage Marries Ann Hathaway when he’s 18 Father of three children by age 21 Tried teaching school to support family Moves to London at age 23
London Elizabeth I reigns from 1558-1603 The Elizabethan Age – literature & theater thrive! Shakespeare arrives in London in 1587 Shakespeare tours with an acting company Age 27 – begins to find success as a playwright
Work in the Theater THE PLAGUE!! Theaters close for 2 years Reopen in 1594 Shakespeare joins Lord Chamberlain’s Men He’s a leading actor and popular playwright Retires from the theater – 1610 (age 46) Returns to Stratford-on-Avon
The Globe 1599 – Lord Chamberlain’s Men have a theater built – THE GLOBE Shakespeare is a shareholder (part owner) 3 stories high Octagon shaped Stage reaches out into center open air court Stage surrounded by seats
Globe cont. Stage surrounded by tiers of seats with a roof over them Middle & upper class – covered seats Lower class – paid 1 penny to stand in uncovered courtyard Burns down in 1613, rebuilt 1614
Elizabethan Theater Audiences did not sit quietly They hissed, cheered, threw rotten eggs and vegetables on stage Wanted excitement, laughs, and romance Plays staged without sets Elaborate costumes and props Ex: pig bladder full of red liquid worn inside actor’s costume
Elizabethan Theater cont. Plays started at 2:00 to make most of light Women not allowed to act in plays Female roles played by young male actors Physically small Higher voices No facial hair
Romeo and Juliet Based on: “The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet” – poem by Arthur Brooke (love story) Local feud – Danvers vs. Long family. Henry Danvers kills Henry Long (feud) Mercutio – may have been based on Shakespeare’s friend Christopher Marlowe Marlowe – playwright, killed in a tavern fight