Study Skills Workshop Welcome and Introductions
Aims of tonight Look at how various study techniques can help learning styles. Look at how we can manage our time better 2 main aims of tonight: 1 is to make you aware of the different types of study skills required, potential challenges and ways to overcome them and guide you in the direction of sharpening your toolkit in this area 2nd is to tackle head on what is arguably the biggest barrier to learning and productivity - that of time management
Programme Study Skills S6 pupils Time Management Complete Task in Groups Questions and Close Evaluation Format of the evening will be roughly as above. You also have a programme in front of you, so I would like to push on with the first item, looking at study skills. To this end, I would like you to take a few minutes and complete the study skills quiz on the tables in front of you.
Study Skills Quiz
Study Skills Study skills can be practised and improved upon in order for pupils to learn more effectively, decrease stress levels and enhance performance in assessments.
Examples of Study Skills Highlighting Mind maps Post-its Flashcards Key ring notes Test yourself Times Questions Pro/Con Diagrams
Mind Maps Mind Mapping is a useful technique that helps you learn more effectively, improves the way that you record information, and supports and enhances creative problem solving. Start from the centre of the page and work out. Make the centre a clear and strong image or word that summarises the theme of the map. Use a combination of key words and appropriate images. Put main subject words on main lines and key words for each topic on branch lines.
Flashcards Flash cards are a great study aid whether you're trying to memorise formulas and equations, improve your spelling, learn a foreign language, or commit anything else to memory. Write short, concise notes (in large and clear writing) Use bright colours A good website to get further info on study techniques to sharpen your study skills is education They have lots of different information that helps you highlight where you may need help and gives detailed information on the previous mentioned habits that enhance your studying toolkit as well as others.
Learning Styles As well as learning skills, there are learning styles. What works well for one person may not work well for another.
What type of learning style works best for you? How to Everybody works in different ways, but three very broad categories of learning styles are: Auditory: Absorbing information best when it is heard, spoken aloud, Visual: learning better when they see it written down or in a picture and the kinesthetic learner will involve movement in his/her learning. How to allows you to take a quick 5 minute test to find out what works best for you, and then gives you tips on how to maximise your learning potential. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses will help you to overcome and
Time Management Something we have all struggled with at various points in our life. Pupils can have anything up to 7or 8 major exams to study for. Each subject will have about 10 topics within it, and exams can be quite close together. So, in January, we have all sat prelim examinations. Some have gone well, some not so well and we think to ourselves, wow that was really stressfull. I’m due a rest now. Actual exams are ages away.
Forward Planning Study Timetable Organise & Prioritise Words that can seem quite daunting, but are really quite a simple process that is aiming to help as opposed to add to your workload. Half an hour or so spent thinking ahead can save so much stress in the long run!
Number of hours you can study Realistic hours you can study. Taking into account clubs, supported study, work or any other commitments
Divide between subjects Allocate a certain number of hours per week to each subject as a minimum
Divide & Conquer Think about what you would ideally like to achieve between now and the final exam, break it up into manageable chunks foe each week. Give yourself a short term target for each hour that you will be studying. This will provide motivation and help you avoid distraction. Remmber to reward yourself after each target is met.
Obtain subject specific information from your class teachers. This can be invaluable and save you hours of searching through outdated websites and content that is not specific to the Scottish curriculum.
Final 5!!! A lot has been covered tonight, but the final 5 points to improve success rates are:
1 Eat healthily & get enough sleep Eating healthily, avoiding junk food and drinking plenty of water has been scientifically proven to increase memory and study ability.
2 Study Treat Repeat The brain can only handle certain amounts of information at a time. Its important to follow the above routine to avoid stress in the run up to a lot of exams
3 Switch off Distractions! Social media has its benefits, however, we are all too aware of the distractions caused by checking emails, instagram/snapchat/facebook posts. Allow yourself to do this during yoiur scheduled treat times.
4 Groupwork! If you can teach it, you’ve learnt it! Think about study groups. If you choose your group wisely, this can be very beneficial. Explaining things to each other will help both people, Even making phone videos explaining what you have learnt is a fun interactive way to learn If you can teach it, you’ve learnt it!
5 Supported Study Make use of it! We are running a mass of supported study classes after school and we are getting only a handful of pupils attending Make use of it!
Questions, Comments & Evaluation
Thank you for attending