Special Education Conference Graduation plans Assessment options Course coding 15% and Cumulative Score at the Secondary Level Special Education Conference October 14, 2011 Elizabeth Schroeder Education Specialist for Transition elizabeth.schroeder@esc13.txed.net
Graduation Plans
DAP RHSP MHSP Pass TAKS/STAAR DAP indicators STAAR: 15% and cumulative score Accommodations RHSP MHSP Passing TAKS/STAAR = ARDC decision Opt-in per ARD recommendation OR per general requirements Impact on postsecondary goals Accommodations = 89.1070 (b)(2) Modifications = 89.1070 (b)(3) 89.1070 revisions Requirements for each graduation option
Assessment Options
Repeating 9th graders have NO AVAILABLE ASSESSMENT STAAR STAAR Modified STAAR Alternate 10th TAKS TAKS (Accomm) TAKS-M 11th TAKS (Accom) 12th Repeating 9th graders have NO AVAILABLE ASSESSMENT 2012 – 2013: No 10th grade TAKS 2013 – 2014: Exit Level TAKS-M?? As repeating 9th graders move to 10th grade, they will not have an assmt. As they move to 10th grade they will not have an assessment due to TAKS phase-out Districts are encouraged to make every effort to get these students caught up to their cohort as soon as possible. For those who are unable to advance to Grade 10, districts might choose to give a released TAKS test during the TAKS administration so the students will continue testing and be ready for their Exit Level assessment.
Course Coding
Course numbers developed for all 12 courses, even though 3 are not required for MHSP (see TEA slides) “Content, NOT location”
TEA Regulations LEA Decisions Write policy with flexibility: Calculating 15% Modified and Alternate Converting RAW scores Partial semester credit How retake scores are used Class rank Districts MUST adopt a 15% policy Q & A is not law or regulation . . . Proposed regs due late Oct/early Nov Final regs Dec/Jan
Cumulative Score
TEA Decisions ARD Considerations Standards will be set in February 2012 Cumulative score requirements will be set in Spring 2012 Not required for Modified and Alternate EOCs Impact for students pursuing DAP or RHSP Graduation plan Postsecondary goals What about Modified and Alternate? Is there a time when it would be appropriate for Mod/Alt student to have cumulative score as a graduation requirement? When is it not appropriate for (b)(2) grad to have cumulative score as a graduation requirement?
Thank You!