Writing an Undergraduate Research Proposal: Social Science This workshop will: - Consider the ways proposals differ from other types of academic writing - Explore common components of many research proposals at this level - Offer tips and strategies for writing up an effective proposal Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice The Plan How proposals are different to other assignments Sections in a research proposal Tips for writing an effective proposal 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 1.How proposals are different to other assignments A proposal’s function: to provide an outline of your intended research activity. You need to include… what your research question/s are why you have chosen this research activity and field the subject of your research activity how you intend to undertake the research activity why you have chosen these methods 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 1.How proposals are different to other assignments Use the future tense where needed The proposed research will examine… Possibly use first person Use sections and headings Short assignment Agreement with your tutor Possible specific format to course 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 2.Sections in a research proposal Titles should… reflect your aim/s Identify the setting Use the research question/s as a base Be ‘concrete’ about what your are researching 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 2.Sections in a research proposal Any issues with this title? All change: the need for radical intervention at Moon Bank Inc. to enable BME managers to take their place in the boardroom. Better but biased title States who or what research about Clearer about what the research will investigate Locates research Provides a ‘flavour’ of the project Click for answers 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 2.Sections in a research proposal Activity 1: Any issues with this title? All change: an evaluation of the frameworks in operation at Moon Bank Inc. which aim to facilitate BME managers to take their place in the boardroom: a case study of two branches in Liverpool and Cardiff. Better again as it… States the enquiry will be an ‘evaluation’ States the research methodology to be employed: ‘case study’. Restricts the research further to ‘Liverpool and Cardiff Are two assumptions: That there are ‘BME managers’ at Moon Bank Inc. That ‘frameworks…to facilitate BME managers to (ascend to) the boardroom’ are in existence. Click for answers 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 2.Sections in a research proposal How about this one? All change: an evaluation of the frameworks in operation at Moon Bank Inc. which aim to facilitate BME managers to take their place in the boardroom 2004-2014: a case study of two branches in Liverpool and Cardiff. Clear for me to write comments on 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 2.Sections in a research proposal Aim: a fruit cake Objectives: the key steps of baking. i.e. getting your ingredients together and following a recipe. 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 2.Sections in a research proposal Introduction Shorter literature review Research design/Methodology: Chose methods and tools Rejected methods Your stance Ethical considerations: Consent Confidentiality and anonymity Data storage Access to results Conclusion/recommendations Timeframe Reference list/bibliography Click for each major bullet point 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 3.Tips for writing an effective proposal Be clear and concise Be relevant. Learn to give and receive feedback Use the following WHITTLE checklist: What: is the research question How: will you carry out your research Importance: why is your research important? Timely: why should your research be carried out now? Title: does your proposed title tell a reader what the research is about? Literature: have you identified the key research End result: are the aims clearly defined and what will the end result be? 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice 3.Tips for writing an effective proposal What: is the research question – is it targeted and refined or to broad? How: will you carry out your research – what is the methodology, methods and tools you have chosen and why? Why have you rejected others? What is your stance as a researcher? Importance: why is your research important? Who are most likely to find your research important? Timely: why should your research be carried out now? Title: does your proposed title tell a reader what the research is about? Literature: have you identified the key research carried out in your field? Do you show a clear link between the existing literature and your research? End result: are the aims clearly defined and when you have finished your research, what will the end result be? 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice Service Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23. Give us a call or come speak to us Monday-Thursday 10am-12pm and 1pm-4pm Who am I? Louise, the dedicated workshop adviser. Who can help me with study and writing skills? Lucy and Russell run Instant Study Skills Advice sessions Monday-Thursday and Writing Skills Clinics twice a week. You can also access self-help resources on our webpage. Who can give me maths advice? Helen and Michael specialise in Maths support for students though clinics and pre-booked appointments. How do I get in touch? Email: academic-skills@brad.ac.uk Telephone: 01274 236849 http://www.brad.ac.uk/academic-skills/induction/ 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
Academic Skills Advice Any questions? Produced by Louise Livesey August 2014 09/11/2018 Academic Skills Advice
International Student Barometer (ISB) Launches Monday 26 October 2015 Eligible students have been sent an email with a survey link from International-office@bradford.ac.uk ISB helps the University to: understand the international student experience; make improvements for you as students and; understand what we are doing well. But! We need students to fill out the survey: more students = better data = better experience You could win an iPad Mini 2 or a year’s gym membership with Unique Fitness for filling it out.