Queen Margaret University Developing and Supporting the Curriculum Dr Roni Bamber, Dr Sally Anderson
2 DSC stages planned 1.Developing the Curriculum –flexibility 2.Supporting the Curriculum –Personal Academic Tutors; PDP; etc
Stage 1 Focus = Flexibility Why? Analysis of strategy documents: –QMU Strategic Objectives –Government and other external bodies
Profiles of Flexibility - Aims Develop an overview of flexibility in our curricula identify / share areas of good practice support areas which would benefit from improvement
Range of examples across QMU... Articulation arrangements (colleges / partners) Entry / exit points Location of study Mode of study (f2f; BL; DL) Fitting around needs of professionals or students with other external commitments Choice of assessments...
Profiles of flexibility at QMU Development of a model to: help map examples and aspects of flexibility identify areas in which we could promote further flexibility for the range of students and their needs.
First iteration of a model of flexibility for QMU Institutional Degree structure Payment options Articulation agreements Delivery partnerships Co-curricular recognition Module Assessment methods Assessed content Programme Electives Module choices Placements Learning and teaching venues Mode of study Direct entry Entry requirements Exit certification
Example 1: BA (Hons) Business 3-year Hons Degree Only selected students Same content as 4 yr programme Delivered at more intense pace Meeting demand for accelerated programmes
Institutional flexibility Programme flexibility A new BA (Hons) Business over 3 years BUT: Tensions in the model Length of programme V Availability of electives
Example 2: Diversity and Society module 20-credit Sociology module Delivered in the community To students with widely varying educational backgrounds Majority of students continue in HE, FE or more community education Assessed by Photovoice project
Conceptualising the broken society: social class and social exclusion Garden fence broken by the students nephews during a visit. Student uses photo to draw attention to sociological theory and research that illuminate the persistence of class-based inequalities and prejudices in contemporary Scottish society.
Marginalisation of transgender citizens Student presents a photograph of a painting by her daughter. Particular interest in how transgendered people are marginalised in society Used this photograph to explore how sociological theory can help make sense of the social processes through which gendered and sexual identities are normalised and pathologised in society.
This example works at all 3 levels of flexibility Institutional Broad entry requirements Module Assessment method Place of study Changes as a result of student feedback Programme Acceptance of non- traditional entrants
Example 3: East Lothian Hospitality and Tourism Academy Collaboration: QMU, Jewel & Esk College and East Lothian Council 45 pupils from three East Lothian high schools efault.htm 2 yr programme in senior phase Certification - Hospitality & Tourism Industry Award or a Hospitality & Tourism Management Award
Some emerging questions... 1.How far do we want to go with flexibility? Optimum level / type? Subject differences? 2.How do we manage the tensions between the three levels of flexibility in any particular instance? 3.How do we use our resources, if extra resources / support needed for greater flexibility? 4.Do students see / appreciate our flexibility? 5.How to use this DSC work on flexibility?