Continuous Improvement of Educator Effectiveness in Common Core Instruction Gerry Crocker
Continuous Improvement Evaluation
Essential Question How can districts and leaders provide support for the ongoing refinement of practice in teaching to the common core shifts?
Outcomes What is “bundling? Why bundle? Consider next steps
Task Bundling
What might be some components of bundled assessments?
Student Work Choices Grade 4 Literacy – John Muir Grade 7 Literacy SS – Manifest Destiny Grade 5 Math – Stuffed with Pizza Grade 9 (HS) Algebra – Aussie Fir Tree
What are the key characteristics of Common Core-aligned bundles? Questions to Consider What are the key characteristics of Common Core-aligned bundles? How can bundled assessments facilitate teaching and learning of common core standards?
What seems promising? What questions does looking at this task raise for you regarding common core standards? How would this benefit teachers? What should the district role be in supporting this work?
Bundling Assessments for Educator Effectiveness Set up collaborative structure Standards Examine Standards Examine across content areas Assessment Design tasks Design rubrics Educator Effectiveness Examine & discuss work Modify instruction
Continuous Improvement Evaluation