Effective Creative Introductions
Welcome to the show! Today we’re going to give you a little lesson before we start. Afterwards, we’ll test you with a few questions. If you get them right, Natasha will give you an instant A. Ok, probably not, but maybe she’ll consider it?
One of the main components for an effective essay is a strong, creative introduction. "Funnel introduction" is when a student begins a thesis with a broad generalization and then narrows down the main topic. While it may be an EFFECTIVE strategy, it can take a while to get to the point, creating dull generalizations.
Another type of introduction is called a “Closed-Form Introduction Another type of introduction is called a “Closed-Form Introduction.” This structure’s thesis statement typically comes at the end of the introduction. What comes first is the old information (what is being addressed by the thesis). Then, comes the new information or thesis (the argument that the writer is making).
There are four steps to creating an effective closed-form thesis: 1 There are four steps to creating an effective closed-form thesis: 1. Use the first few sentences to catch the interest of the reader. 2. Identify or explain the problem or question that the thesis will address. 3. Provide background information. 4. Present the thesis.
There four typical elements of a Closed-Form Introduction. 1 There four typical elements of a Closed-Form Introduction. 1. An opening attention-grabber 2. Explanation of the Question to be Investigated 3. Background Information 4. A Preview of the Whole
Forecast the Whole with a Thesis Statement, Purpose Statement, or Blue Print 6 Strategies: a. Short Thesis b. Detailed thesis c. Purpose Statement d. Blue Print or Mapping Statement e. Multisentence Summary f. Thesis Question
Now, you’re ready to play! AND, these 5th graders are getting the day off, so you’re on your own… 9
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 1,000,000 500,000 300,000 Funnel Intro #1 Funnel Intro #2 175,000 100,000 Closed-Form #1 Closed-Form #2 50,000 25,000 Elements #1 Elements #2 10,000 5,000 2,000 Forecast #1 Forecast #2 1,000
What are some of the negative aspects of this type of introduction?
The introduction may take too long to get to the point The introduction may take too long to get to the point. It can easily disinterest readers and lose their interest from the topic. Return
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Read the following introduction, and decide which type of style is being used. Being a kid is hard; don't let anyone tell you differently. If you ask 100 adults, you'll find that most of them wouldn't want to live through adolescence over again. Why not? There are too many things to worry about: friends, grades, why your P.E. teacher hates you, what to do when you grow up--the list is endless. That's why it would be doing most kids a favor to give them one less major concern in life. Because it would give them fewer worries, and because it would save their parents money, students in public school should have to wear uniforms.
The “Funnel Introduction” Return
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Which Introduction is More Effective? An introduction in which the thesis precedes the background information: "Napster is all about sharing, not stealing, as record companies and some musicians would like us to think. Napster is an online program that was released in October of '99. Napster is the leading file sharing community; it allows users to locate and share music. It also provides instant messaging, chat rooms, an outlet for fans to identify new artists, and a forum to communicate their interests." 2. An introduction in which the background information and the problem the thesis addresses precede the thesis. "Several months ago the rock band Metallica filed a lawsuit against Napster.com, an online program that lets users easily trade mp3s- compressed, high-quality music files that can be produced from a CD. Napster.com creates a virtual community where users can locate and share music. But big-name bands like Metallica, alarmed at what they see as lost revenues, claim that Napster.com is stealing their royalties. However, Napster is all about sharing, not stealing, as some musicians would like us to think."
The answer would be #2. It fills in the old information that the reader needs in order to recall and understand the problem; then it presents the thesis. Return
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1. New information or thesis (the argument that the writer is making) According to the structure of a closed-form introduction, is the following information presented in the right order? 1. New information or thesis (the argument that the writer is making) 2. Old information or problem (what is being addressed by the thesis)
The answer is NO. They are in the incorrect order The answer is NO. They are in the incorrect order. Old information must be presented to the readers, before the writer’s argument. Return
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Which of these introductions best contains the typical elements of a Closed-Form structure? 1. “The September Issue” opened this week to the fifth largest opening in U.S. history. It seems that our country is fascinated by the life and style of Anna Wintour. Whether you’re in fashion or not, you will definitely want to catch this film. 2. Ever wonder what it would be like to run one of the most high-powered magazines in the world? Well , “The September Issue,” a documentary about the life and work of Anna Wintour, famous editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine, will allow audiences to see it all. The documentary had the fifth largest opening in documentary history, suggesting that people in and out of the fashion world are fascinated by the Vogue lifestyle.
The answer would be #2. The first option assumes that readers know all about Anna Wintour, while the second option introduces background information and contains an attention grabbing opener. Return
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Fill in the blank. The first few sentences in an introduction have to capture your reader’s interest. If you aren’t sure your reader’s already interested in your problem, you can begin with an ______________.
Attention Grabber Return
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Name the strategy when a writer reveals his or her thesis at the end but in the introduction adds mystery regarding the thesis in the form of a question? a. Purpose Statement b. Thesis Question c. Short Thesis
B. Thesis Question Return
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Which strategy is most appropriate for short responses or short papers? a. Short Thesis and Purpose Statements b. Blueprint/ Mapping Statement and Detailed Thesis c. Short Thesis and Detailed Thesis.
Oh Holy Alex Trebek, let them be right!
A. Short Thesis and Purpose Statements
Wow, I really didn’t think you’d make it to this point. But Good job! You’ve just proved you ARE smarter than a fifth grader....well if a fifth grader learned about college English, that is. .
Hope Natasha gives this project an A+! Thanks for Playing! Hope you enjoyed! Hope Natasha gives this project an A+! This show was brought to you by: Anabel Fernandez Stephanie Mazzawi Alexandra Camejo Natasha Pargas