SPIMA Targeted Analysis Spatial dynamics and strategic planning in Metropolitan Areas Peter Austin Urban Development Dept, City of Oslo (lead stakeholder)
Introduction to ESPON-SPIMA TA Knowledge gaps Planning tools and governance approaches Understanding Governance, legal and financial systems Enable stakeholders manage spatial development at a metropolitan scale and collaborate Operationalise the European policy goals
SPIMA tasks
SPIMA stakeholders-researchers endeavour 10 Metropolitan areas: Lille Lyon Vienna Turin Terrassa Oslo+Akershus Prague Brno Zurich Brussels
The problem addressed by SPIMA Sustainable Urban Development: Population density Compactness & Urban sprawl Services (mobility, infrastructure...) Economy, Environment ...... Scale of planning: EU OECD-Local Local Administrative Units (LAU) Morphological Urban Areas (MUA) Functional Urban Areas (FUA) 75% EU population Which issue at what spatial scale? Which decisions by what institutional body? Which competences by which department? What planning tools and collaboration mechanisms Level of Government: de facto city versus de jure city Effective planning process at Metropolitan level
Governance process for MA planning
Workshop in Prague, 25-26 sept ‘17
Typologies Relevant, distinguishable, helpful Key parameters Geography / delineation Socio-economic status Governance Legal / non-legal framework 10 or 2?
Delineations and definitions MUA and FUA (OECD vs ESPON?) MDA – outlined for each stakeholder city Territory matters because: Spatial dimension - locations and distances Location defining influence of spatial policy Identity and politics of place, authority and metropolitan area Legal and financial powers for strategic matters
Results Guidelines – European and national level Recommendations – pan European and City Sheets for stakeholders
Discussions… Formal / Legal framework or lack of one Not sufficient alone, but a key factor Triggers How to find ways to involve, to inspire and to guide actors within the metropolitan area, to support common strategies Arenas for discussion, clarification and refinement of policy ideas and input Recommendations to decision-making bodies
Stepwise process?
Timeline 17 September – workshop in Prague (draft final report) End of October – comments on draft recommendations 30 November Final report (+ possibly round of approvals) 6-7 December ESPON konference, Tallinn February/March – final SPIMA conference in Brussels