The Constitution Ratification Debate “Split Open Mind” Provided good balance of power. Reflected compromise between a variety of political opinions. Wealthy planters, farmers, merchants, lawyers BUT also poor urban laborers, craftspeople, and traders. Directions: Fill each “mind” with the ideas and arguments the Federalists & Anti-Federalists made in support of or against the Constiution Opposed the Constitution Thought that convention delegates exceeded their authority. Too much power to central gov’t Disagreed w/ no inclusion of Bill of Rights. Farmers, debtors BUT also wealthy citizens disliked it Feared that it was undemocratic and created special privileges for the few. The Federalist Papers: 85 essays written under the name Publius (Hamilton, Madison, Jay). They argued that the STATES would Rigid = “Strict” construction. Expressed powers. You can ONLY do it if it says so in the Constitution. not be overpowered by the new FEDERAL government. Flexible, “loose” constitution. Implied powers. George Mason, Richard Henry Lee, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, Elbridge, Gerry If it doesn’t say “no” then “yes”/”maybe” you can. James Madison, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay Anti-Federalist