Unit One Vocabulary Week Seven
Broach (verb) raise (a difficult subject or topic) introduce (a topic) There are some subjects too embarrassing to broach in polite conversation.
charlatan (noun) ~imposter/fake The fortune-teller was a charlatan.
erudite (adjective) educated/learned having/showing great knowledge
Etymology (noun) the study of the origin of words.
extol (verb) praise enthusiastically Ms. Smith made sure to extol Tim’s excellent decorum.
gratuitous (adjective) excessive uncalled for I don’t like movies filled with gratuitous violence.
Immutable (adjective) unchangeable Gravity is an immutable force of physics.
predisposed (adjective) prone to susceptible Some people are predisposed to catching a cold.
Truism (noun) a statement too obvious to be worth saying .
venerate (verb) ~honor/hold in high esteem One Sunday a year, we venerate our moms, but it should be more often than that.