Age of Contact 1400s-1700s
Which countries explored the Americas? Spain France Portugal Great Britain Netherlands (Dutch) All of these countries had a monarchy (government ruled by a king or queen)
What were European monarchs hoping to achieve through exploration? Monarch were trying to build empires. Monarchs believed that by building empires, they were acquiring more land, which would lead to more goods, and in turn, more money. Empire = Land Land = More goods More goods = more money
What were European monarchs hoping to achieve through exploration? This, however, was very risky Monarchs hoped for a positive return on their investment This means that the monarchs were willing to spend a little (funding expeditions by buying supplies/ships) in the hopes they would get a lot more money back (in the form of gold and valuable goods)
Why did Spain explore now? YEAR EVENT
The Moors gain control of Spain. (Islamic peoples from N.W. Africa) 711 The Moors gain control of Spain. (-before the Moors, Spain was a Christian land) (as soon as they were conquered, they began the battle to regain Spain)
The Reconquista ends when the Moors are driven out of Granada (The fight to reconquer Spain – was turned into a religious contest) 1492 The Reconquista ends when the Moors are driven out of Granada (Fighting became a way of life, a job, an act of religious faith) (Last city to fall – in the southern part of Spain)
Columbus takes first voyage to the Americas (Monarchs in charge of Spain – Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand agreed to finance Columbus to be powerful again) 1492 Columbus takes first voyage to the Americas -looking for riches in India and China -2 months later he lands on an island (not India or China) (Spices and silk were some of the needed items) – he met people that were indigenous to this island – he called them “Indians” (native)
What were Spain’s main reasons for exploration? Glory Conquistadors hoped to bring glory to the Spanish Empire and to themselves following the Reconquista. God Spread of Christianity became a religious war Gold Hoped to find gold and trade goods to increase wealth for Spain
What were France’s main reasons for exploration? Fur Beaver pelts were the height of fashion in Paris. The French searched for animal furs. Fish Like the Spanish, the French were looking for natural resources. Friends The French became allies with the Native Americans to achieve their other goals.