Solar System
& Other Objects in Space Solar System Review The Planets & Other Objects in Space
A large object that moves around a star. What is a planet?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars What are the inner planets?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto What are the outer planets?
Burning sphere of gases What is a star?
Imaginary line that Earth rotates around What is an axis?
Instrument used to observe a distant object What is a telescope?
Path an object takes when revolving around another object What is an orbit?
Movement of Earth around the sun What is revolution?
Spinning movement of the Earth What is rotation?
Small mass of ice and dust that orbits the sun What is a comet?
Name for the outer planets, except for Pluto What are the gas giants?
An object that moves around another object What is a satellite?
Vehicle sent to explore space What is a space probe?
Objects in a “belt” between Mars & Jupiter What is an asteroid?
Changes in the apparent shape of the moon What are phases?