Chapter 24 Section 4 Notes The Birth of Modern Environmentalism
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) Book that warned of danger in pesticides Bad for birds and fish (probably people too) Sold 500,000 copies in 6 months Chemical companies threatened lawsuits Impact Caused govt. to be more interested Eventually outlawed many DDT, Agent Orange Why? caused cancer, birth defects
1st Environmental President = Nixon
Earth Day Begins (April 22nd, 1970) Brings attention to 3 main things All forms of pollution (air, water, soil) Toxic Waste (What to do about it) Depleting Natural Resources (esp. oil) Encourage Air, Water, and Solar power Celebrated Globally now
Environmental Protection Agency (1970) Established for 3 main purposes: set and enforce pollution standards Conduct environmental research Global warming Help states in emergencies
Environmental Legislation Clean Air Act (renewed in 1990) fines for businesses that didn’t follow EPA would investigate Endangered Species Act Safe Drinking Water Act Limitations on strip mining Began protecting Alaskan wilderness Over 200 million acres protected by 1980 Mainly from drilling for possible oil.
Nuclear Energy Debated Why people support it? Cheaper and cleaner than oil or coal if everything goes right Why people oppose it? Potential for disaster exists (accident or terrorist attack) What to do about the nuclear waste?
Three Mile Island (Pennsylvania, 1979) Biggest accident in U.S. History Nuclear reactor overheated Small radiation leak No direct deaths (birth defects, $15 mil. pd to families) 100,000 people evacuated Health studies still being conducted 14 yrs to cleanup Cost $1 Billion Unit 2 never used Again No new permits given for nuclear power plants in U.S. til 2011. No new construction allowed since Japan tsunami. President Carter toured the facility 4 days after the accident to ease the minds of those that lived nearby.
Chernobyl (Soviet Union, 1986) Biggest nuclear accident in history Nuclear reactor exploded Large radiation leak 30 direct deaths Thousands die later from overexposure to radiation. The entire city (14,000) was evacuated Nobody lives there still