Do Now From your reading this weekend on Darwin + faith: How does Haught (the author) describe each of the approaches? Can you think of other approaches to the relationship between evolution and religion besides the three that Haught identifies?
Time for pictures!
Steps Question: Will be displayed- please make sure you remember the main idea. Each picture- one minute: to write down notes, look at it. Then, at the end of each picture, you will have 2 minutes to write down answers to the questions. We will then discuss the questions.
Question 1 What information do these images provide about the voyage Darwin made and the kinds of ecosystems he explored?
Route of the HMS Beagle
Charles Darwin
Galapagos Island
Question 1 What information do these images provide about the voyage Darwin made and the kinds of ecosystems he explored?
Question 2 Why might someone in Darwin’s time be surprised to find fossils of extinct animals? How might have Darwin explained the fact that there were different types of finches with different beaks on each of the island of the Galapagos?
Tierra del Fuego This illustration, originally published with Darwin's writings and discussed in the excerpts here, shows four "sub-groups" of Galapagos finches. The different finches evolved with different beaks on different islands, as natural selection favored the beak that was best able to access the food sources of each bird's home island.
Ancient Animals of Argentina
Question 2 Why might someone in Darwin’s time be surprised to find fossils of extinct animals? How did Darwin explain the fact that there were different types of finches with different beaks on each of the island of the Galapagos?
Summary Activity Based on these pictures and what you have learned, write a paragraph summarizing the work Darwin did including the evidence he used to justify his theory.
Time for some Vocab!
Adaptation- a characteristic that helps an organism survive. Organisms seem suited for their jobs and environments Organisms seem suited for their jobs and environments Adaptation- a characteristic that helps an organism survive.
Identify the Adaptations!
Vocab Fitness: Ability of an organism to produce more offspring (kids) Within a population, which organisms will be more likely to survive and pass down their genes, those with fitness or those without? Why?
Vocab Genetic Variation: differences in the alleles within a population
How do we get genetic variation? How do we get genetic variation? (We’ve learned some ways!) Mutations: changes in DNA Gene flow: movement of genes from one population to another (immigration) Recombination during sexual reproduction: introduces new gene combinations into the population
Darwin Tweets