Convective Thermo-Poroelasticity in Non-Boiling Geothermal Reservoirs EGEE 520 Kate (Kritika Trakoolngam)
Geothermal Energy Alternative energy Geothermal reservoir Dual porosity medium
Governing Equations - I Mechanical Behavior Hooke’s Law Thermal Mechanical Hydraulic (Effective stress)
Governing Equations - II Compliance Matrix for discontinuous rock mass (Amadei & Goodman 1981) Normal stiffness of rock mass Shear stiffness of rock mass Fracture spacing
Governing Equations - III Hydraulic Behavior Darcy’s Law (Advective flow) Fluid mass transfer between matrix and fracture (Warren & Root 1963) Matrix Mechanical (Consolidation) Thermal (Volumetric strain) Fracture
Governing Equations - III Thermal Behavior Fick’s Law (Conduction) Mechanical (Volumetric strain) Convection Hydraulic Storage
FEM Formulation
FEMLAB Solution Models Materials Equation system Mechanical Mechanical Stress-strain u, v, w Darcy’s Flow (matrix) p1 Darcy’s Flow (fracture) p2 Thermal conduction + convection (matrix) cc1 Thermal conduction + convection (fracture) cc2 Materials Equation system Mechanical Water Quartz Fracture Matrix Rock mass (mat3_sE_1_1_*px+mat3_sE_1_2_*px+ mat3_sE_1_3_*px+ mat3_sE_1_4_*px+ mat3_sE_1_5_*px+ mat3_sE_1_6_*px)
Validation Displacements Flow velocity Heat flux Fracture Matrix
Parametric Results Heat Flux Thermal expansion Temp ~ 150 c Heat flux 1000 MW/m2 Cold water
Conclusions FEMLAB Flexibility Functionality