Lecture Objectives: Answer questions related to HW 4 Solar Systems Discus Final Projects Continue with HVAC system
Final Project You need to email me till Monday 3 pm: Project group members 1 Page proposal for your project The proposal need to provide basic information about the modeling building or system (you can add a schematic) and the project objectives Project report guideline is listed in HW sections of the course website You will have to visit me next week
Final Project Topics Solar Systems Geothermal systems Expand HW3 (PV and hot water) Geothermal systems Incorporated into the eQUEST Building Envelope Optimization Campus buildings, AEI competition, …. HVAC systems Lighting Systems Specific building in eQUEST or other software Modeling in matlab Weep holes, attic temperature, façade systems,….
Solar hot water system
HVAC Systems Ventilation, Heat Recovery, Economizers,… AEI Student Competition Building or some other Commercial buildings Residential buildings Saving % - depends on how much ventilation we have in the building
Geothermal Energy Systems (in combination with a cooling machine / heat pump) Summer Winter In the summer, the earth acts as a cooling tower. The Cooling Machine loads the loop with heat, sending warmed water to be cooled by the earth In the winter, the earth acts as the boiler. The Heat Pump extracts heat from the loop, sending cooled water to be warmed by the earth.
Envelope optimization AEI Student Competition A mixed use boiling in New York Some other building, too
Project Fixing Problematic Building at UT Example of ECJ building
eQUEST HVAC Models Predefined configuration (no change) Divided according to the cooling and heating sources Details in e-quest help file: For example: DX CoilsNo Heating Packaged Single Zone DX (no heating) Packaged single zone air conditioner with no heating capacity, typically with ductwork. Split System Single Zone DX (no heating) Central single zone air conditioner with no heating, typically with ductwork. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit. Packaged Terminal AC (no heating) Packaged terminal air conditioning unit with no heating and no ductwork. Unit may be window or through-wall mounted. Packaged VAV (no heating) DX CoilsFurnace Packaged direct expansion cooling system with no heating capacity. System includes a variable volume, single duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with it's own thermostatic control. Packaged Single Zone DX with Furnace Central packaged single zone air conditioner with combustion furnace, typically with ductwork. Split System Single Zone DX with Furnace Central single zone air conditioner with combustion furnace, typically with ductwork. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit. Packaged Multizone with Furnace Packaged direct expansion cooling system with combustion furnace. System includes a constant volume fan/distribution system serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Warm and cold air are mixed for each zone to meet thermostat control requirements.
Examples of HVAC System Multizone Dual Duct System Multi zone VAV with Re-heaters 55°F 90°F 55°F P C P C Perimeter (P) Core (C)
Dual Duct vs. VAV with Re-heaters for Different Weather Conditions What happens if outdoor air is A, B, C A B C
Example of a Plant System (Chilled Water System) Air cooled chiller Chiller with a cooling tower COP ~ 3 COP ~ 5 COP = Cooling Energy / Electric Energy ( same units)
Two Basic Approaches for Modeling of HVAC and Building Envelope Load System Plant model Building Qbuiolding Heating/Cooling System Q including Ventilation and Dehumidification Plant Integrated models Building Heating/Cooling System Plant
Example of a HVAC Model Schematic of simple air handling unit (AHU) Mixing box m - mass flow rate [kg/s], T – temperature [C], w [kgmoist/kgdry air], r - recirculation rate [-], Q energy/time [W]
Example of a Plant Models (Chiller) P electric () = COP () x Q cooling coil () TOA What is COP for this air cooled chiller ? T Condensation = TOA+ ΔT Evaporation at 1oC TCWS=5oC TCWR=11oC water Building users (cooling coil in AHU) COP is changing with the change of TOA
Plant model Refrigeration Cycle Released energy (condenser) T outdoor air T cooled water - What is COP? - How the outdoor air temperature affects chiller performance? Cooling energy (evaporator)
Chiller model: COP= f(TOA , Qcooling , chiller properties) Chiller data: QNOMINAL nominal cooling power, PNOMINAL electric consumption for QNOMINAL The consumed electric power [KW] under any condition Available capacity as function of evaporator and condenser temperature Cooling water supply Outdoor air Full load efficiency as function of condenser and evaporator temperature Efficiency as function of percentage of load Percentage of load: The coefficient of performance under any condition: