Jagdish Gangolly State University of New York at Albany ther sources


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Presentation transcript:

Jagdish Gangolly State University of New York at Albany ther sources ebXML Jagdish Gangolly State University of New York at Albany ther sources Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018

ebXML Methodology & Process Modeling Document Modeling Message /Object Access Protocol Business Process Specification Schema Registry/Repository Collaboration Protocol Profiles & Agreements UDDI Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018

Methodology & Process Modeling I Registries-oriented framework based on support for managed public processes based on models Declarative rather than procedural specifications Architectural separation of business and information technology aspects of e-business. Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018

Methodology & Process Modeling II Business processes: activities & exchanges of business information among business partners. Need for orchestrating/choreographing complex business processes involving many parties. Tools include: modeling language (UML), a process to organise the modeling effort (UMM), and a schema language. Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018

Methodology & Process Modeling III: UMM Workflow: Logical grouping of activities in the project Business modeling WF  Bus Opns Map (BOM) Requirements WF  Bus Req View (BRV) Analysis WF  Bus Transactions View (AWF) Design WF  Bus Service View (BSV) Phases Inception (requirements specification, scope & vision) Elaboration (architectural prototype) Construction (implementation & testing) Transition (testing & deployment) Iteration Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018

Methodology & Process Modeling IV: Business Modeling Workflow Workers: Business process analyst, business domain expert, technical modeler (business designer) Artifacts: BOM (context, descriptions of processes, identification of information objects) Worksheets (business reference model form, business area form, process area form, identify business process form Use cases Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018

Methodology & Process Modeling V: Requirements Workflow Workers: Same as before, but business process analyst is referred to as systems analyst. Artifacts: Business collaborations (use cases -- choreography) Business transactions Economic elements Worksheets (business process use case worksheet, business collaboration worksheet, business collaboration protocol table worksheet) Activity diagrams Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018

Methodology & Process Modeling V: Requirements Workflow II BRV & ebBPSS correspondances: Business process packages  BPSS <ProcessSpecification> element Each main business use case for the package  BPSS <MultiPartyCollaboration> Collaborations constituting business process  BPSS <BinaryCollaboration>s Choreography of <BinaryCollaboration>s within a <MultiPartyCollaboration>  <Transition>s associated with each <BusinessPartnerRole> Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018

Methodology & Process Modeling V: Analysis Workflow Description of application’s business transactions (activities involving formal exchange of business documents) Worksheets (business transaction worksheet, business transaction property value table, business transaction transition table) Models/Diagrams: State Machine model to model the behavior of each business partner Interaction diagrams (sequence diagrams & collaboration diagrams) Acc 683 (Spring 2002) Jagdish S. Gangolly 11/9/2018