Working Party on Urban Statistics Luxembourg, 9th-10th December 1999 EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL REGIONAL POLICY Formulation of regional policies Coordination of Community initiatives, urban issues and the Urban Initiative, coordination of measures under Article 10 of the ERDF Regulation Working Party on Urban Statistics Luxembourg, 9th-10th December 1999 Why the Urban Audit, Objectives and Implementation Mireille Grubert g/mgr/exposes/LuxWhyUA9et101299
Need for information Need to incorporate urban considerations in EU policies. Need to increase information at urban level. Need to improve monitoring of urban policies. Several previous experiments.
Two Policy Papers: Need for information Towards an urban agenda in the European Union, Com(97)197, 06.05.1997, Sustainable urban development in the European Union: a framework for action, Com(98)605, 28.10.1998.
The Urban Audit Collect 21 indicators of quality of life in 58 of the biggest European cities. Call for tender: 11/06/97. Selection of ERECO Consortium: May 1998.
European Commission: The Contractor: Who did what DG REGIO, Eurostat, Other services. The Contractor: ERECO, The Core Team, The National Correspondents Network.
The Indicators Integrated approach, 5 domains: Socio-economic aspects, Environment, Education and training, Citizenship, Culture and leisure.
The Cities 58 cities. The biggest, except London and Paris. About 15% of national population.
Geographical Area 4 levels: the Administrative City, the Conurbation, the Wider Territorial Unit, the Sub-city level.
Implementation Data Sources, Time Series, Comparing with National Level.
The Results The products: an individual City Audit per city, a comparative section per indicator, an Urban Audit Manual, a web site.
Which Purposes To be put at disposal of the cities. To allow the Commission to adjust its policies in the future. Other stakeholders.