Fast and stable connectivity registry http/xml speciesLink site Presentation Layer http/xml Registered Providers lib DiGIR UDDI Portal Fast and stable connectivity registry http/xml Collection A Regional Server Provider (PHP) Provider (PHP) registry SQL SQL Collection Management System Data Mirror (SOAP server) Data (PostgreSQL) soap/http/xml Slow or unstable connectivity Collection C Collection B Data spLinker SQL spLinker (Java) Data Collection Management System Data Repository Collection Management System Data Repository
Data Integration
Partnerships in the development of tools and protocols Interoperability: California Academy of Science, Kansas University, researchers from Australia and Europe Distributed Generic Information Retrieval (DiGIR) Modeling: Kansas University/NSF (development) and research community (testing) Desktop Garp Lifemapper
Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental Thank you Vanderlei Perez Canhos