Immediate activity: What can you remember about the basics of Marxism? Marxism & Religion: (Religion as a Conservative) Immediate activity: What can you remember about the basics of Marxism? R/C W/C The R/C must maintain unequal Social Structure (Social Inequality) WHY? R/C have status, wealth and above all, Power. They need the W/C to remain poor so that they need work for the R/C (who can then keep the profits from the work) Key Terms: > Social Control > Dominant Ideology > False Class Consciousness The R/C must therefore exercise SOCIAL CONTROL OVER THE W/C.
How do traditional Marxists view religion? Why Marxism views religion as a conservative force The way in which the ruling class use religion to create a false consciousness and how this is questioned. Analysis and critical thinking- is Marxism right to take this view is it still relevant?
RELIGION IS AN INSTRUMENT OF THE R/C Althusser (1971): Argues that the R/C control (supress) the W/C through both Repressive State Apparatus & Ideological State Apparatus. R.S.A: Physical control through structures such as the Police and Judicial System. These control the W/C through threats/punishments of custodial sentences, fines, ASBOs, curfews and other physical means. I.S.A: These structures control the way the W/C think and therefore behave in order to prevent deviant and/or criminal behaviour e.g. The Education System, The Family, The Media and RELIGION. Essentially, RELIGION IS CREATED AND PROMOTED BY THE R/C in order to pass on their dominant ideology to the W/C as well as providing the W/C with False Consciousness RELIGION IS AN INSTRUMENT OF THE R/C
Diagram of R.S.As and I.S.As in Action: Ruling Class (Dominant Ideology & False Class Consciousness) Education Media RELIGION Justice System Family Working Class
What does Religion teach us about work? (Dominant Ideology) It is worth noting that, in Christian Teachings, Jesus had a day job: He worked as a carpenter. What does Religion teach us about work? (Dominant Ideology) And his disciples were ‘Fisherman’ In Islamic teaching, the prophet Muhammad worked as a Shepherd In the book of Exodus 34:12 in the Jewish Torah (Old Testament) God states that: ‘Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in earing time and in harvest thou shalt rest.’ ‘The rich man at His castle, the poor man at His gate, God made them high & lowly and ordered their estate’
> What sorts of messages (Ideology) might the W/C be receiving from In the past it was accepted that King’s had ‘Divine’ (God-Given) power and therefore could not be challenged or questioned. Catholicism teaches that the Pope’s authority and power comes from Saint Peter – the heir to Jesus’ ministry. In Catholicism the Pope is the highest authority. In ancient Eygyptian beliefs it was said that the Pharaoh Kings (the living embodiment of the God Horus) upon their death entered the heavens to become Osiris – Once again their power was based upon divination. Question: > What sorts of messages (Ideology) might the W/C be receiving from these types of references? > How does religion justify class inequality?
How might religion help the ruling class to do this? R/C Dominant Ideology essentially suggests that work is normal and that everybody has to work – it is natural and part of life. Marx points out that passing on this Dominant Ideology to the W/C is only half the job complete. It is up to the R/C to make the W/C feel that that they are not being exploited (even though they are) and to see that problems in their lives such as poverty are caused by other factor and not capitalism (even though they are) this is the creation of a FALSE CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS amongst the W/C Question: How might religion help the ruling class to do this?
According to Marx, Religion helps to create False Class Consciousness RELIGION is the OPIUM OF THE PEOPLE, that DULLS THE PAIN OF OPPRESSION. Religion eases the suffering of ALIENATION. 1) Religion acts as an eventual escape from suffering & oppression in this life with promises of a perfect life after death in heaven. ‘The Meek Shall Inherent the Earth’ 2) Religion offers hope of supernatural intervention to solve problems on earth. 3) Religion provides an explanation and justification for inequality e.g. The Hindu belief in resurrection justifies the unequal Caste System.
In what ways could Marxism be critiqued? In Marxism then, Religion is an instrument of the R/C, used to justify class inequality and to control the W/C. Religion helps maintain the unequal class structure and as such keeps societies structure balanced (unevenly). Religion ensures that the W/C work, that they do not comparing about it and above all it prevents the W/C from rising up against the R/C Religion acts as a Conservative Force on Society this means it helps to maintain the social structure Questions: In what ways could Marxism be critiqued? How is Marxism similar/ different to the Functionalist Theory of Religion?
How is Marxism similar/ different to From your reading: According to Marx how does Religion promote acceptance of the socio- economic hierarchy? What sort of ‘compensation’ does religion offer to the poor and why does this stop a working class rebellion? How is Marxism similar/ different to the Functionalist Theory of Religion?
Rebellion but also not rebellion? How does Halevy explain this? Methodism in the UK Rebellion but also not rebellion? How does Halevy explain this?
Criticisms of Marxist view on religion From your reading explain why functionalists and feminists criticise the Marxist view of religion Hall argues that as Methodism was central to the abolition of slavery which was a big blow for capitalism and so it was not as conservative a Halevy claims