Ancient Civilization Egypt
Egyptian Empire About 1450 B.C.
Civilization: Nile River Located in Africa Flows North The Nile cycle- Flood plant harvest
Specialized Workers Bricklayers - Potters Blacksmiths - Architects Artisans specialized in various jobs, such as: Bricklayers - Potters Blacksmiths - Architects Mummifiers Doctors
Job Specialization Created great architecture and art monumental architecture pyramids, ziggurats, big cities huge temples and associated structures to fill the needs of a god-oriented state under the control of the priestly class
Complex Institutions - Political Theocracy system in which the ruler is a divine figure. - Power was passed from one dynasty to another and land remained united.
Menes 1st pharaoh of Egypt start the 1st national government - united the two regions. He is believed to have been the 1st pharaoh of Egypt start the 1st national government 1st Egyptian Dynasty.
3 different Kingdoms (old, middle and new) Old Kingdom 2700- 2200 BCE Old Kingdom- 3rd dynasty- pharaohs (Egyptian rulers) were believed to be gods. Viziers- chief ministers Viziers also collected taxes, farming, etc. During this time the pyramids (tombs for eternity) were built. They believed in life after death.
**Sphinx and pyramids
Middle Kingdom 2050- 1800 BCE Middle Kingdom- corruption and rebellions, but still was able to dig canals for irrigation
New Kingdom- regained power and created a larger empire. New Kingdom1550-1100 BCE New Kingdom- regained power and created a larger empire.
King Tutankhamen Tomb found completely intact 18 year old ruler found in 1922, he was a minor ruler. What made him so famous was that his tomb was found completely intact. Tomb found completely intact
Complex Institutions: Religion Polytheistic - believed divine forces ruled this world and the afterlife. Amon-Re- chief god, sun god Osiris- god of the underworld and the Nile (controlled annual floods) Isis- goddess taught women skills Akhenation- tried to sweep away all gods except Aton, he failed. Due to others being afraid to abandon their gods. Egyptians believed that gods promised eternal life after death.
Book of the Dead Test- souls had to pass a test in order to win eternal life. Book of the Dead- contains, spells, charms for dead to use in the afterlife. It was placed in the tombs.
Valley of the Kings pharaohs were buried here
Advanced Cities Thebes Planned and usually walled cities Memphis Thebes Planned and usually walled cities Centers of worship and trade
Advanced Technology Irrigation, levees – control of the Nile Mummification-preservation of the dead Pulleys Levers Architecture Calendar Numbers – geometry Medicine
Papyrus- paper like material, use reed pens and ink Record Keeping Papyrus- paper like material, use reed pens and ink Paper was not invented until AD 100 in China
Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics- pictograms that depicted objects Scribes- kept records on all going- on Hieroglyphics- pictograms that depicted objects
Rosetta Stone: The stone was found written in 3 languages: Hieroglyphics, simple hieroglyphics, and ancient Greek. The Greek could be translated and allowed us to translate the hieroglyphics.