Bellringer 8-12-11 Get your Green Folder!! What does Culture mean? Take a second to think about what makes up culture. Write One Paragraph (5 Sentences) to explain your answer. Give an example of a culture and things you think make it up. An example would be Modern Latin American culture and some characteristics would be family units, Spanish/Portuguese, and Catholicism.
Geography & History of the World Unit One: Global Hearths
Essential Questions How did the developments in agricultural techniques and the specialization of workers lead to the development of lasting civilizations?
What do we mean by “Global Hearth” Place of Origin Culture Heartland and Innovation Center Agriculture Domestication of Plants and Animals
What is Culture? What make culture? What is culture to you? Attitude Families Behavior Language Beliefs Ways of Life What is culture to you?
Civilization – What’s that? Factors of Civilization -Cities -Specialization -Institutions -Records -Technology
Unit One Vocabulary Terms Prehistory Polytheism Artifact Hammurabi Paleolithic Pharaoh Neolithic Nile River Nomadic Mummification Civilization Hieroglyphics Mesopotamia Ramses the Great Specialization
Bellringer 8-15-11 Get your folder!! Before written records, what type of information can historians collect on ancient societies? What can this information tell us about these societies?
Human Origins Prehistory -Africa -Artifacts -No records Stone Age -Paleolithic: Nomadic -Neolithic: farming
Early Human Migration
Effects of Agriculture Benefits of farming -Food supply -Settlements - What do we get from settlements? River Settlements -Why? -Fertile soil -Travel/trade
Mesopotamia: “Fertile Crescent” Factors of Civilization -Cities -Specialization -Institutions -Records -Technology Babylon: First Empire Code of Hammurabi
The Code in Cuneiform
The Fertile Crescent
Bellringer- 8/16/11 Grab your folder!! Do you like the new dress code this year? Why or why not? Is there anything that could be done differently?
Mesoamerica- Maya Factors of Civilization -Cities -Specialization -Institutions -Records -Technology
Indus River Valley Factors of Civilization -Cities -Specialization -Institutions -Records -Technology
Bellringer 8-17-11 Grab your folder!! Why is knowing how to use a map important and what skills are required to properly use one? What role does geography play in history? LAST CALL FOR VOCAB
Bellringer 8-18-11 Grab your folder!! Come up with 15words dealing with ancient Egypt in a list form. Why did you pick these words? What do they deal with?
Egypt and the Nile
Ancient Egypt Nile River - “Gift of the Nile” -Inundation -Worship -Source of life and renewal
Ancient Egypt Factors of Civilization -Cities -Specialization -Institutions -Records -Technology
Cities Thebes (Luxor) Large Urban Centers Many throughout the region Most along the Nile Trade With other cities and other regions
Records Cave Paintings Hieroglyphics -Symbols as ideas (Pictograph) -Rosetta stone
Rosetta Stone
Specialization Same as always… Embalming
Bellringer 8-19-11 Grab your folder!! Current Event(Maybe)- If there is not Internet be thinking about things happening in the world Find an article on a current event happening in the world and write a 1 paragraph summery and a 1 paragraph response to the article. Topic may include things such as the latest riots in London, debt, and social issues affecting the world. Trusted Sites include: BBC News, NPR, CNN, FOX, WSJ, The Economist, and Huffington Post
Institutions Government Religion Pharaoh- was a God Priests and Nobles Also the same as always… Amon-Re-Osiris- Isis Life After death
Technology Knowledge -Calendar -Medicine -Math (engineering) -Sphinx -Pyramids
Sphinx & the Great Pyramid
The Sphinx
Bellringer 8-22-11 Grab your folder Choose one of the civilizations we talked about and show how it meets the 5 factors of civilization. And give the most interesting thing you learned about that civilization.
Civilization Project! Get out your netbooks Go to Mr. Cain’s Website Find the Civilizations Project