Welcome to JICA SHORT COURSE ON LINUX The Linux 6-Weeks Labs began on 17 Sept. There will be two sessions, currently scheduled for Tuesday 4-6PM and Wed 4-6PM in the ITS Lab C11(Max: 25). New Points: JICA prepares the latest high speed PCs with RedHat7.3 & WinXP. This 6-weeks course will link to RHCE of next semester. JICA provides 5-weeks open lab (4pm-10pm, Mon-Fri) Buy a textbook or use online web text (and buy textbook to review) Download report file from : and add your exercise results and send to takahashi_f@usp.ac.fj as attached a file. 6. You should try Linux help system “man” for your question first. 7. I will use Linux on Win2000 using Vmware simultaneously. Don’t use!
09 17/18 2002 3. GNU and Unix Commands (Topic 1.3) 1: Work Effectively on the Unix Command Line 2: Process Text Streams Using Text-Processing Filters 3: Perform Basic File Management 4: Use Unix Streams, Pipes,and Redirects 5: Create, Monitor, and Kill Processes 6: Modify Process Execution Priorities 7: Making Use of Regular Expressions
4. Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem 4. Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 1: Create Partitions and Filesystems 2: Maintain the Integrity of Filesystems 3: Control Filesystem Mounting and Unmounting 4: Set and View Disk Quotas 5: Use File Permissions to Control Access to Files 6: Manage File Ownership 7: Create and Change Hard and Symbolic Links 8: Find System Files and Place Files in the Correct Location
5. Boot, Initialization, Shutdown, and Runlevels 1: Boot the System 2: Change Runlevels and Shutdown or Reboot the System 6. Documentation 1: Use and Manage Local System Documentation 2: Find Linux Documentation on the Internet 3: Write System Documentation 4: Provide User Support
7. Administrative Tasks 1: Manage Users and Group Accounts 2: Tune the User Environment 3: Configure and Use System Log Files 4: Automate System Administration Tasks 5: Maintain an Effective Data Backup Strategy 8. Exam 101 Review Questions and Exercises 8.1 GNU and Unix Commands 8.2 Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 8.3 Boot, Initialization, Shutdown, and Runlevels 8.4 Documentation 8.5 Administrative Tasks