Causes and effects of starvation By: Cameron Lee
Starvation? Starvation-a long period of time without being with food. Starvation attacks millions of people each year and it can all be easily avoided by just eating. A estimated 925 million people were struck by this terror in 2010 and this number is rapidly growing every year.
Wasting Food All of this food was thrown away by a local elementary school but could have been used to feed nursery home’s, homeless shelters, or even to people that are just in need. This food could feed hundreds of people anywhere. The food will go to a good cause, helping the needy for who need this food.
People want your food you waste All of these people could be saved with just the small amount of food we don’t eat at school or even at home. So every time you throw away food you should think about these people. Every day more than 15 million homeless kids die from starvation so step up to help. These poor children are losing bone tissue and soon they wont be able to walk, only able to beg for food but that’s not the worst part its that after so long these children are only able to eat small portions even when they do get food because of how small there body's have gotten by the cells mainly having to eat their skin tissue just so they can stay alive. One example of this was during WW2 when the nazis forced jewish people to go without food for months and their bodies would start to decay and eat their own skin leaving them only skin and bones.
Sleeping in Class This is just the first stage of starvation which is the lack of nutrients because of unhealthy eating or not eating at all. More than 84% of kids fall asleep in class every day because of lack of nutrients or food. The kids in these photos only need just a few parcels of food in their stomachs and this wouldn’t happen. This happens by the food not getting the nutrients it needs and it mainly starts to shut down and tries to get its needs by sleeping but its not enough.
Blood Pressure Rising Another thing that starving can lead to is high blood pressure. High blood pressure is when blood pushes against the walls of arteries as the heart pumps blood. If the blood rises and stays high, it can damage the body in many ways. A few examples of what this could lead to is heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure which might eventually lead to death.
Do You Want To Look Like This These horrible conditions cause many people to die or at least stay in a very unstable condition. Its really easy to forget about other people but if you one day look like this would you of understood them? The only way to stop this terrible spread of a terror is to simply eat, feed more people, and keep your self and others healthy. Remember that this can happen to you one day so don’t turn your back on a helpless person. One good way of helping these people is by donating to organizations like U.N.I.C.E.F.F who saves millions of children every day giving vaccines, food, and even helping homeless kids find a new home.
Thanks To Mrs. Arevalo Cameron Lee