Prepared for NACADA Carrie Leger White NCAA Academic Update Prepared for NACADA Carrie Leger White
NCAA Academic Update Overview Division I Academic Misconduct. Division I Progress-Toward-Degree Recommendations. NCAA Division II Adopted Legislation. Division III New Initiatives.
Division I Academic Misconduct Legislation
Legislative Process Targeted review of academic misconduct legislation and regulatory structure. Core principles identified proposed legislation developed. Academic integrity proposal sponsored. Continued membership outreach and proposal refinement. Proposal adopted. Effective, August 1, 2016.
Academic Misconduct – Division I Institutional Policies and Procedures Old Not required. Current Maintain and follow policies and procedures regarding academic misconduct that are: Written; Accessible; and Apply to general student body. Content and scope determined by institution. Former legislative approach did not require that institutions maintain policies to deal with academic misconduct issues. Contributed to perceived lack of consistency in application of old legislation. New legislation requires institutions to maintain and/or establish written academic misconduct policies and procedures that are applicable to general student body. Legislation defers to institutions to determine proper content and scope of institutional misconduct policies & procedures. Policies must apply equally/consistently to student-athletes and non-athlete students, alike; however, an expedited review process may be incorporated into written policies for student-athletes.
Academic Misconduct – Division I (contd.) Staff Involvement Old Conduct violates institution’s academic misconduct policy and either: Results in falsification of student-athlete’s academic record; or Enables student-athlete to compete. Current Content violates institution’s academic misconduct policy and either: Results in falsification of student-athlete’s academic record; Enables student-athlete to compete or receive athletics aid; or Involves an institutional staff member or booster. Former legislative approach did not find an academic misconduct violation unless institutional staff or booster involvement with an academic integrity issue resulted in the falsification of a student-athlete’s academic record or enabled the student-athlete to compete. Now, institutional staff or booster involvement with an academic integrity issue in and of itself would constitute an NCAA academic misconduct violation. This shift reflects a fundamental emphasis on adult behavior. Individuals who meet the definition of institutional staff members or boosters should be held responsible when involved in activity that violates an institution's academic misconduct policies & procedures.
Academic Misconduct – Division I (contd.) Staff Involvement Institutional staff members shall not be involved in: Conduct that violates the institution’s written policies and procedures regarding academic misconduct; Falsification or alteration of the student-athlete’s academic record; Knowing submission of erroneous NCAA Division I Academic Performance Program data; nor, Impermissible academic assistance. Clarifies who would be treated as an “institutional staff member” for purposes of new legislation.
Academic Misconduct – Division I (contd.) Staff Involvement Institutional Staff Members NonStudent Staff Student Employees Performs work for institution. Regardless of compensation. Includes work within the athletics department. Responsibilities include the provision of academic services to student-athletes; OR, Engages in academic misconduct or impermissible academic assistance at the direction of nonstudent staff or a booster. Clarifies who would be treated as an “institutional staff member” for purposes of new legislation. For non-student staff, anyone who performs work for the institution (including volunteers) would be treated as institutional staff. For student employees, their job responsibilities must include the provision of academic services to student-athletes (e.g., work in the institution’s “Student-Athlete Support Center” and provide tutoring to student-athletes). The analysis of whether a student employee meets this definition becomes more fact-specific at institutions that structure the academic support of their student-athletes in a less linear/demarcated fashion. Additionally, a student-employee who does not meet the definition of an institutional staff member based on the aforementioned definition would still be treated as an institutional staff member if they are directed to engage in academic misconduct by someone who meets the definition them self (e.g., a coach, or booster).
Academic Misconduct – Division I (contd.) Impermissible Academic Assistance: Reduced Scope Must meet all criteria: Assistance/exception does not violate institution’s misconduct policies; however, Assistance/exception provided is not generally available to all student-athletes; Assistance/exception provided is not already permitted by NCAA Bylaw 16.3 (e.g., general academic support); Assistance/exception was substantial; Institutional staff member/booster was involved; and Leads to eligibility. Extra Benefit Impermissible Academic Assistance Impermissible academic assistance analysis, replaces former academic extra analysis employed. New analysis only applies to conduct that falls outside of an institution’s own academic misconduct policies & procedures, but still has the following features that in sum warrant an NCAA impermissible academic assistance violation: Assistance/exception provided to student-athlete doesn’t violate institution’s misconduct policies & procedures; Assistance/exception provided is not generally available to the broader student body; Assistance/exception provided is not the type of general academic support that may be provided to student-athletes (as specified in Bylaw 16.3); Assistance/exception provided was substantial (e.g., impacted the student-athlete’s final grade in a course); Someone who meets the institutional staff member or booster definition was involved; AND Assistance/exception enabled the student-athlete to be eligible for competition.
Academic Misconduct – Division I (contd.) Institutional Staff or Booster Involvement? Competed or Received Aid Based on Erroneous Declaration of Eligibility? NCAA Academic Misconduct Violation Alteration or Falsification of Transcript or Academic Record? Yes to any? No to all? -or- Did conduct violate the institution’s academic misconduct policies & procedures? No NCAA Violations NCAA Impermissible Academic Assistance Violation Substantial academic assistance or exception; Not generally available to institution’s students; Not permissible under Bylaw 16.3; Provided by current or former institutional staff or representative of athletics interests; and Results in certification of eligibility. Yes to all? No to any? If No If Yes Comprehensive visual of new NCAA academic misconduct framework. Designed to emphasize how an institution’s written academic misconduct policies & procedures determine what type of analysis (NCAA academic misconduct, or NCAA impermissible academic assistance) must be applied to a given academic integrity issue involving a student-athlete. One or the other – never both. -or-
Division I - Progress-Toward-Degree Recommendations Cooperative educational experiences, minors, certificates & study abroad.
2016-17 Legislative Proposals Cooperative educational work experience (e.g., co-op, internship, practicum, student teaching) or institutionally approved study-abroad program. Receive prorated nine credit hours per term, provided: Recognized as full-time student-athlete while participating; Program is successfully completed; and Student-athlete met progress toward degree going into term. Intent: Enable student-athletes to pursue legitimate cooperative educational work experiences and/or study abroad programs without mitigating progress-toward-degree impact.
2016-17 Legislative Proposals (contd.) Minors, including voluntary or optional minors and undergraduate certificate programs. Minor hours may be used to satisfy progress-toward-degree requirements provided: Minor is declared prior to start of term. Certificate hours may be used to satisfy progress-toward-degree requirements provided: Program requires at least nine credit hours to complete; Is available only to degree seeking undergraduate student-athletes; and Is declared prior to start of term. Intent: Enable student-athlete to use minors or certificate programs to maintain progress-toward-degree while making normal progress in declared degree program.
Division II Legislation
Division II New Legislation Study Abroad Program – Transfer and Outside Competition Exception If a student-athlete participates in a recognized study abroad program, the student-athlete: Would not trigger transfer status; Use a season of competition if the student-athlete competes during the nonchampionship segment; or For sports other than basketball, trigger the outside competition legislation. Cannot be applied retroactively Institutional policy determines the number of times an student-athlete may participate in a study abroad program.
Division II New Legislation (contd.) Progress Toward Degree and Credits Earned in An Optional Minor. Student-athlete who has designated a specific degree program may use a maximum of six credit hours per term earned in a voluntary or optional minor to fulfill the credit-hour requirements for meeting progress toward degree. Credit hours earned in a voluntary or optional minor during the summer may not be used to satisfy progress-toward-degree requirements. Certificate programs or concentrations may not be used to meet progress-toward- degree requirements. A voluntary or optional minor may be declared at any time; however, it must be declared prior to the term in order to use the credits to meet progress-toward- degree requirements. Voluntary or optional minors should be declared in accordance with institutional policy for all students.
Division II Path to Graduation August 1, 2016 Progress toward degree and 2-4 transfer requirements effective. August 1, 2018 Initial-eligibility requirements effective. “Make Path to Graduation Yours” Toolkit available at: graduation/index.html
Division III
Graduate/Postbaccalaureate Participation Currently only permitted under specific circumstances. A proposal to amend the graduate/ postbaccalaureate participation legislation will be considered at the 2017 Convention. The proposal was sponsored by the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference and the Little East Conference.
Current Legislation Proposed Legislation SA can compete while pursuing a postbaccalaureate degree ONLY at institution from which he/she received a baccalauareate degree Must have semesters/seasons remaining. Proposed Legislation SA can participate while pursuing a postbaccalaureate degree at any Division III institution, provided: SA has received a baccalaureate degree. SA has semesters/seasons remaining.
New Initiatives
New Initiatives Academic Portal. (Association-Wide) Institution Performance Program. (Divisions I/II) Limited Resource Institution Filters. (Division I) Education Outreach.
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