Living and working in Denmark Hungary October 2009 Jan Vleugel EURES adviser
this presentation about Denmark danish labour market job – which jobs, how to find seasonal work jobs questions ?
Denmark 43.100 sq. km., coastline 7000 km 5,4 mill. inhabitants Greenland and Faroe Islands (but not EU) 5 regions 98 municipalities - 91 job centers no € Dkr. 100 = ca. € 13.5
labourmarket -facts unemployment rate 3,7% - 103.300 persons (juli 2009) labour force 2,9 mill. 800.000 positions are occupied every year 37 working hours pr. week, 6 weeks holiday pr. year – 9.5 bank holidays employment rate 78 % 2 incomes in most families - day care facilities for children
a danish working place open and informal dialogue between employees and management influence on your work teamwork ! mutual respect, informal manners, sense of humor employer must give you a contract ! occupational injury insurance
labour market - wages collective agreements employees with a high level of education usually negotiate their salaries individually flexible labour market - working hours, overtime, hiring and firing good social security in times of unemployment, illness or occupational injury – the flexicurity model high mobility on the Danish labour market
Unemployment insurance not tax financed, but your own decision! 30 – 40 unemployment insurance funds closely related to trade unions union membership? !!! right to assistance when problems at the working place E301 to transfer insurance period from abroad
practical information employment? registration at municipality or tax authorities personal or tax number and tax card social security – health card you benefit from the Danish welfare system many welfare services are tax financed: kindergartens, education, care for the elderly, access to medical aid and hospitals high taxation in DK
Jobs – good possibilities Building: plumbers, electricians Healthcare: nurses, healthcare assistents, doctors (gp´s, specialists), radiologists Service: cooks, waiters, sales personel
how to find a job help in one of the 91 jobcentres (kommune) other good job sites – links on newspapers friends in DK who can help you danish !
May – August piecework, hard work! June – August piecework August – November pr. hour September – December piecework
more information? Velkommen i Danmark! Jan Vleugel EURES adviser mobile 0045 7222 3350 Velkommen i Danmark!