Protecting the Sea Base NDIA Expeditionary Warfare Conference Rear Admiral Brad Hicks 20 October 2004
Seabasing Arrive ready with scalable air, maritime, and ground forces without in-theater host nation or coalition nation support – rapid force closure seizes strategic initiative Compressed timelines for critical mass – MEB size force in 10-14 days Our Navy’s overarching transformational operating concept is seabasing (as spelled out by the Secretary of the Navy in the Naval Transformation Roadmap). This concept encompasses the Sea Power 21 pillars of Sea Strike, Sea Shield and Sea Base, and explicitly includes the contributions of our Marine Corps in our transformation planning. Sea basing provides for forward deployed, pre-positioned, and surge forces -- Forward deployed naval forces provide immediate response Pre-positioned assets enable rapid MEB (approximately 20,000 Marines) employment within 10-14 days Surge forces reinforce with follow-on forces It also requires rapid establishment of the Joint Sea Base -- Operationalized pre-positioned platforms At sea arrival and assembly of forces Arrive ready to fight Scalable capabilities across range of military operations Command and control for the Joint Force Commander 80% of the earth’s population is within range. Sea Strike and Sea Shield projected from the Sea Base under the umbrella of FORCEnet
Global Information Grid Undersea Warfare Global Information Grid P-3, BLOOM Local Tactical RF Network USW-DSS Sea Glider TAGS-60 Class ASWC CRUDES w/IPS, MFTA EER/IEER SURTASS w/LFA SURTASS w/Twinline 3 SSNs ARCI APB 00/01/03,TB-29 w/ LWTC, WAA, Comms @ Speed&Depth (Seaweb, ACOMMS) TASWC 2 SSKs ADS Seaweb RF Nodes USV
Air and Missile Defense Transformational efforts focus on two areas: Initial deployment of sea-based ballistic missile defense capability, and Dramatically improved and integrated air and cruise missile defenses. Sea-based ballistic missile defense will expand JFC options for: Protecting forward-deployed U.S. and coalition forces and Protecting key host nation targets from missile-borne CBRNE weapons And will, support acceleration of sea-based element (in coordination with MDA) of long-range missile defense by OCT 04 as ordered by the President Naval air defense efforts will provide a highly effective air and missile defense umbrella that reaches over the horizon and deep inland, Integrating both Navy and Marine Corps systems to extend protection to naval, joint, and coalition forces at sea and ashore.
NAVY MD VISION: Resolving Joint Warfighting Gaps Support Homeland MD Regional MD Defense of SPODs/APODs Defense of Joint Sea Base HOMELAND DEFENSE BMD for APODs, SPODs SBT APOD SPOD REGIONAL BMD SM-3 SM-3 & SBT Guam REGIONAL BMD HLD LRS&T TWO-TIERED BMD FOR JOINT SEA BASE Maritime complement to the Joint MD solution
NAVY MD VISION Navy Concept of Operations Tier 1 Tier 2 Bottom Line: Active defense of the Joint Sea Base is our mission
Running Gear Entanglement System MULTISTATIC - Sonobuoys LCS Mission Packages USV RMS VTUAV MH-60R MH-60R/S UUV Netfires Running Gear Entanglement System ADS MULTISTATIC - Sonobuoys EOD MIW ASW SUW Installed in Mission Module Spaces TOWED ARRAY VTUAV Now what will enable LCS to operate so effectively in so many different environments are its modular mission packages. As you are aware, we are pursuing an innovative and fast-paced acquisition strategy for both the sea frame and the modules that will provide its true combat power. The modules will make extensive use of unmanned air, surface, and subsurface vehicles that will enable our Sailors to get the combat power needed in the littoral while reducing the need to put Sailors in the most dangerous environments. Many of these systems are common to all mission packages, and remain with the ship, such as the Unmanned Surface Vehicles, helicopters, and VTUAVs. Spiral development Technology insertion MH-60S Beach/Surf Zone Detection 7