the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, The two countries agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10 years. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) viewed the pact as a way to keep his nation on peaceful terms with Germany, while giving him time to build up the Soviet military.
German chancellor Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) used the pact to make sure Germany was able to invade Poland unopposed. The pact also contained a secret agreement in which the Soviets and Germans agreed how they would later divide up Eastern Europe.
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust Sept 1, 1939 - Nazis invade Poland along with Russia (Jewish pop. 3.35 million, the largest in Europe). Beginning of SS activity in Poland.
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust Neville Chamberlain: At first, British Prime Minister who tried to appease Hitler by letting Nazi Germany take over the Sudetenland. (Czechosloakia)
September 3, 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany.
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust Sept 4, 1939 – Warsaw, Poland is cut off by the German Army.
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust September 21, 1939 In occupied Poland, Heydrich authorizes the mobilization of Einsatzgruppen (killing squads), which see action beginning in the spring of 1941 after the invasion of Russia. Heydrich also authorizes the establishment of ghettos, each under a Judenrat (Jewish Council).
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust Sept 29, 1939 - Nazis and Soviets divide up Poland. Over two million Jews reside in Nazi controlled areas, leaving 1.3 million in the Soviet area.
October 1939 Nazis begin euthanasia, including murder by starvation, lethal injection, and carbon-monoxide poisoning, on sick and disabled in Germany. Hartheim Institute, one of six hospitals and nursing facilities where the Nazis carried out their euthanasia program, killing children and adults by gassing, shooting, and lethal injection.
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust Front page of Der Stürmer, a Nazi publication, showing a cartoon depicting Jews as instigators of rebellion,
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust Oct 12, 1939 - Evacuation of Jews from Vienna, Austria.and moving them to ghettos Adolph Eichmann begins rounding up the Jews
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust Oct 26, 1939 -A Forced labor decree issued for Polish Jews aged 14 to 60..
Jan 25, 1940 – Hitler and the Nazis choose the town of Oswiecim (Auschwitz) in Poland near Krakow as site of new concentration camp.
Feb 12, 1940 - First deportation of German Jews into occupied Poland to the ghettos and Auschwitz.
April 9, 1940 – Hitler and the Nazis invade Denmark (Jewish pop April 9, 1940 – Hitler and the Nazis invade Denmark (Jewish pop. 8,000) and Norway (Jewish pop. 2,000).
April 30, 1940 - The Lodz Ghetto in occupied Poland is sealed off from the outside world with 230,000 Jews locked inside.
May 1, 1940 - Rudolf Höess is chosen to be kommandant of Auschwitz.
Rudolf Hoess was history's greatest mass murderer, the architect and SS Kommandant of the largest killing center ever created, the death camp Auschwitz,
Hoess was Responsible for exterminating 2 Hoess was Responsible for exterminating 2.million people in World War II
Adolph Hitler & the Holocaust May 10, 1940 - Nazis invade France (Jewish pop. 350,000), Belgium (Jewish pop. 65,000), Holland (Jewish pop. 140,000), and Luxembourg (Jewish pop. 3,500).