Social Structure Theory The U.S. has a STRATIFIED society. A society based on SOCIAL STRATA created by an UNEQUAL distribution of WEALTH, POWER, & PRESTIGE.
Social Structure Theory In the U.S. we identify: UPPER, MIDDLE & LOWER CLASS.
Social Structure Theory Oscar Lewis (1966) Described a CULURE of POVERTY in U.S.
Culture of Poverty Passed from one generation to the next. Apathy, cynicism & mistrust result.
Culture of Poverty Children have a higher poverty rate compared to any other age group
Culture of Poverty The number of U.S. children covered by health insurance is declining.
Culture of Poverty Income of Latinos and African Americans is 2/3rds when compared to Whites.
Culture of Poverty The jobless rate for African American males has steadily increased since 2000. The Incarceration rates for African American males has climbed since the 1990’s.
Poverty and Crime Crime can be traced to SOCIOECONOMIC disadvantages. Many turn to crime because they feel they can not obtain wealth in conventional ways.
Questions Is this situation aggravated by the MEDIAS focus on wealth?
Questions Is our self image in the U.S. tied to material goods?
Questions Do people take drugs to numb themselves because they are poor?
Social Structure Theory Believe that a DISADVANTAGED ECONOMIC CLASS position is the primary cause of crime.
Social Structure Theory Social Structure Theory has 3 overlapping branches. 1. Social Disorganization Theory 2. Strain Theory 3. Cultural Deviance Theory
Social Structure Theory All 3 branches hold the CORE belief that SOCIAL ISOLATION and DISORGANIZED NEIGHBORHOODS produce crime.
Social Structure Theory Social Disorganization Theory Crime rates are elevated in a highly transient, changing neighborhood where residences and commercial property exist side by side.
Social Structure Theory Social Disorganization Theory – Cont. People try to leave as soon as possible. Results in: 1. Poor personal relationships.
Social Structure Theory Social Disorganization Theory – Cont. 2. People uninterested in community matters. 3. Constant Resident Turnover. 4. Breakdown of school and family. 5. Lack of informal and formal social controls.
Social Structure Theory Social Disorganization Theory – Cont. Shaw & McKay (Chicago – 1920’s) TRANSITIONAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1. Poor neighborhoods with high population turnover. 2. Neighborhood organization breaks down and crime takes over.
Social Structure Theory Social Disorganization Theory – Cont. Shaw & McKay (Chicago – 1920’s) Concentric Zones 1. Nine Concentric zones circle around the central city. 2. Most crime occurs in the inner city zones. * These theories have been continuously upheld.
Social Structure Theory Social Disorganization Theory – Cont. William Julius Wilson (Chicago – 1970’s) POVERTY CONCENTRATION EFFECT Because people FLEE from poor disorganized neighborhoods, the group that remains is STUCK.
Social Structure Theory Social Disorganization Theory – Cont. Robert Sampson (1990’s – 2000) COLLECTIVE EFFICACY (The opposite of the concentration effect.) Cohesive communities with TRUST & SUPERVISION of children.
Social Structure Theory Three Forms of Collective Efficacy 1. Informal Social Control The family supervise and guide youth. Neighbors “watch out” for each other.
Social Structure Theory Three Forms of Collective Efficacy – Cont. 2. Institutional Social Control Schools, churches, businesses, social service & volunteer organizations.
Social Structure Theory Three Forms of Collective Efficacy – Cont. 3. Public Social Control Police, political power, governmental groups and programs.
Social Structure Theory 2. STRAIN THEORY (Robert Merton – 1957) View crime as a result of lower class FRUSTRATION & ANGER. People who can not achieve goals conventionally turn to crime.
Social Structure Theory STRAIN THEORY (Robert Merton – 1957) Theory of ANOMIE (Lack of norms) (Two elements of culture interact to produce ANOMIE.) 1. Culturally defined goals. Ex. Wealth 2. Socially approved means for attaining them.
Social Structure Theory INSTITUTIONAL ANOMIE THEORY (Steven Messner & Richard Rosenfeld – 1994) Updated version of Merton's work on Anomie. Anomie arises because of the desire to succeed & have a piece of the “American Dream” at ANY COST.
Social Structure Theory INSTITUTIONAL ANOMIE THEORY (Steven Messner & Richard Rosenfeld – 1994) 1. Non – Economic functions are de valued. EX. Family, school, community, are beneath economic goals.
Social Structure Theory INSTITUTIONAL ANOMIE THEORY (Steven Messner & Richard Rosenfeld – 1994) 2. Non – Economic roles have to adjust to economic roles. EX. Families move, schools change to accommodate better jobs.
Social Structure Theory INSTITUTIONAL ANOMIE THEORY (Steven Messner & Richard Rosenfeld – 1994) Economic language penetrates non – economic realms. EX. – “Bottom Line” “Downsize” Spouses are “Partners” Countries should be run like “businesses”
General Strain Theory General Strain Theory – (Robert Agnew 1993) Criminality is the result of “NEGATIVE AFFECTIVE STATES”. Anger, frustration, & adverse emotions in the wake of destructive social relationships.
General Strain Theory General Strain Theory – (Robert Agnew 1993) Examples: We are unable to attain wealth & fame We see our peers as doing better than us. Loss or perceived loss. (Boyfriend, Divorce, Death, etc. Child abuse, crime, school failure, (negative stimuli)
Social Structure Theory 3. CULTRAL DEVIANCE THEORY A LOWER CLASS SUB CULTURE develops as a reaction to: An inability to attain MAINSTREAM GOALS.
Social Structure Theory CULTRAL DEVIANCE THEORY – Cont. Walter Miller (1958) FOCAL CONCERNS Excitement, Risk Taking & Street Smarts are valued.
Social Structure Theory CULTRAL DEVIANCE THEORY – Cont. Albert Cohen (1955) Wrote, “ Delinquent Boys”. Since they can NOT achieve success lower class youth develop, “STATUS FRUSTRATION” Sub Cultures like GANGS emerge.
Social Structure Theory CULTRAL DEVIANCE THEORY – Cont. DIFFERENTIAL OPPORTUNITY Lower class youth (due to limited legitimate opportunities) join gangs & seek criminal activity to achieve STATUS & SUCCESS