Living Space Imtiaz Dharker
Mumbai… Out of the 22 million people that live in Mumbai, how many do think live in conditions like this?
70% 15.4 million!
electricity food clean water education
Summary… 22 million people live in Mumbai 70% live in slums People have limited access to electricity, food,clean water or opportunities for education Many inhabitants are second generation There is tremendous poverty in never ending narrow, dirty lanes
What is the poet suggesting about living conditions here? “Beams balance crookedly” “The whole structure leans dangerously”
What image is created by “Nails clutch at open seams”?
Eggs are described as “fragile curves of white”. What else in the poem could fragility refer to? Enjambment – lines move across line and stanza breaks in this poem. Why has the poet used this technique?
What is the poet implying about the people in the language she uses? Highlight phrases in the poem which tell us something about the people living here. What is the poet implying about the people in the language she uses?
How many references can you find to faith or religion in the poem? Faith and Religion How many references can you find to faith or religion in the poem?
Find words or phrases associated with light and dark in the poem. Final Task Using the notes you have made write 5/6 sentences to show what the poet tells us about the place in Living Space