A Hands on Adventure in Learning Just for Kids! Garden Works For Kids A Hands on Adventure in Learning Just for Kids!
Seeds to some… a lifetime of miracles for others Just as a seed is planted in the ground, germinates and grows; it is the same with a child when a seed of knowledge is planted and a miracle takes hold
Dedicated to community
Introducing children, K-5, to joys of gardening
What we teach the children
Classes Offered Pre-K & K 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade Intro to Gardening 1st Grade Gardening Fundamentals 2nd Grade Butterfly Garden 3rd Grade Vegetable Garden 4th Grade Carnivorous Plants Cacti Tropical Plants 5th Grade Herb Garden 4th – 6th Grade Indian Hill Trail Field Trip All Grades Tree Planting
Topics Classes Include History of the Garden The Garden & How it Works Garden Insects & Animals Methods of Gardening Nutrition Education Student Flower Planting Craft Assembly Project
Build-a-Garden Day Bring a garden to your school Inspire youth to become active in gardening Prepare an area to plant a garden Plant vegetables, herbs, and flowers Set up watering system Teach students, teachers, and parents to care for garden
Build-a-Garden Box Too Busy? Want a Garden? We build one for you!