Self-Care: Rejuvenation to Become your Best Self Jackie Pacheco August 2018 HOU-AAA123-20120209-
Presentation Overview Focus on your strengths Tips for Positive Living Benefits incorporating the positive habits Setting Goals Power of a Habit Wellness Announcements and Resources
How many hats do you wear? What are your personal and professional priorities? … Is your health a priority to you? How do you support your own well-being while at work? “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.” Jim Rohn Well-Being at work, e.g., walking meetings, stretch break, bring a healthy lunch, gratitude jar
Strengths, Positives Complete VIA. What are your current strengths? How do you currently use your strengths? Are there other ways to use your strengths that you are not currently utilizing? Via – reference to the role the institute plays in connecting research and practice. Scientifically validated character strength survey tool. Understand your character strengths to reach your full potential and live a more authentic life! Strengths Finder 2.0 – identify top 5 strengths and provides action steps and goal setting to apply your strengths
Tips for Positive Living Believe in yourself Live your passion Get daily inspiration Be honest and follow through Take a digital detox Write a gratitude journal Focus on one small behavior at a time Will-power it’s like a muscle! Positive affirmations, and focusing on your positive attributes will help you believe in your goals. Your most likely to succeed when you BELIEVE in your abilities. Share your passion with others and connect with finding ways to stay inspired daily.
Benefits of incorporating happiness habits 23% improvement response to stress 31% more productive 3x more creative 40% more likely to receive a promotion 34% more positive social interaction Enhanced immune system Your brain works more 31% more efficiently in a positive state than a negative/neutral state. You have to train your brain just like you train your body to work out. 90% of your happiness comes from how your brain processes the world. Study showed those who rated themselves high in positive emotion were twice as likely to have high antibody response to the vaccine (sign of a robust immune system) (resource: greater good UC Berkeley) Henry Ford, if you think you can or you can’t your probably right. Provide Power of Belief example related to nurses and their roles.
Importance of Exercise Improves mood Stress management Boosts Energy Promotes better sleep Is fun and can be social Exercise is good for the body mind and spirit
Meditation & Health Benefits 2.4 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. Reduced risk of myocardial heart attacks and strokes Less likely to have substance abuse or sleep issues 87% less likely to have obesity 67% reduction in health care utilization
Having Goals, Achieving Goals Written goals Setting Goals Having Goals, Achieving Goals Written goals Power of writing goals down: Harvard Study
Focus on one small behavior at a time Take time to develop will power Power of Habits Focus on one small behavior at a time Take time to develop will power Researchers – 24 people, ages 18-50 enrolled into physical exercise regimen over 2 months and progressed with more will power to workout for longer duration, more frequently spilled into greater willpower at home. More time spent at the gym – fewer cigarettes, less alcohol, caffeine, junk food, less depressed, and less TV watching. The spent more time on productive things like homework. Once willpower gets stronger in one area it touches other aspects of your life. Habits take less neurological activity and that is why they become more automatic Half the students instructed to eat the cookies and ignore the radishes; the other half were told to eat the radishes and ignore the cookies. Eat only the food assigned to you. Radish eaters had taxed themselves by eating the bitter veggies while the cookie eaters harldy used any self discipline. Next they were prompted to wait for the next step and while they waited they told to complete a geometric pattern puzzle. On average, radish eaters quit 60% quicker than cookie eaters. You have to conserve your willpower muscles during the day. If you use it up too early on tedious tasks like emails, etc… all your strength for going for a run after work can be depleted.
Power of Habits Research has shown that more than 40% of our actions performed each day aren’t out of decision making but habits You can change habits but you can’t eliminate them A powerful habit that has the power to start a chain reaction Keystone habits say that success doesn’t depend on getting every single thing right, but instead relies on identifying a few key priorities and fashioning them into powerful levers. This can explain why Michael Phelps became an Olympic Champion with 23 Gold Medals or why someone suddenly drops 40 lbs and still have time with their family and kids. Starting with one key habit can effect many other areas and also strengthen will power! The habits that matter most are the ones that, when they start to shift, they dislodge and remake other patterns.
Habits work by a routine following a particular cue Habits work by a routine following a particular cue. Scientists have shown there is a habit loop, the cue – routine (physical, mental, or emotional)- reward loop. Identify what cue or what is triggering the behavior. Learning the structure of the habit loop can help you change or alter a component to improve your health behavior. Take exercise as an example, cue (place sneakers next to bed) wake up and put sneakers on, exercise, then reward is the feeling of accomplishment/feel good. When you see the sneakers it can make you crave the feeling that you are anticipating… Find ways to recognize your accomplishments! Positive reinforcement and celebrations feels good! Alan Kohll, Total Wellness *Total Wellness, Alan Kohll
Wellness Announcements and Resources Wellness Center Discounts Chronic Condition Programs EAP Motivational Video Closure