New 9-1 specification
New 9-1 specification
New 9-1 specification
New 9-1 specification The assessments will cover the following content headings: 1 Number 2 Algebra 3 Ratio, proportion and rates of change 4 Geometry and measures 5 Probability 6 Statistics Two tiers: Foundation and Higher Number and algebra is 50% Ratio & prop is 25% Geometry is 15% Stats & prob is 10%
New 9-1 specification All Boys Higher Only Key Topic Areas Long multiplication Surds Short division Quadratic manipulation Solving money problems Direct/inverse proportion Manipulation of algebra Advanced trigonometry Forming & solving equations Ratio No need to take notes, this powerpoint will be on the school website along with the En one for reference
9-1 GCSE Past Papers June 2017 – 3 papers taken in school Nov 2017 – 3 papers taken in school ‘Secure Mock 3’ – Papers 2 & 3 in packs Mark schemes on website http://brymoreacademy.co.uk/info-for-parents/exams/ You can help… Y11 have sat lots of past papers but these are the formal mocks they’ve sat this year in the hall What we are sending home with you in the packs you have are 3 papers called ‘Secure mock 2’ The mark schemes are on the school website under information for parents, then ‘Exams’
Revision instructions Set 2 exam days, do the papers in exam conditions Go through each paper beforehand - identify what skills/topic each question requires Use the ‘Support Guide for Maths’ Highlight/underline key words, make notes, identify the topic(s) in each question and revise those topics (use ‘Support Guide for Maths’ this gives MathsWatch Clip Guide for each question) please find in your pack now… ‘MathsWatch Clip’ demonstration https://vle.mathswatch.co.uk/vle/ Refer to ‘Maths Support Guide for Easter Mocks’, ask to find this in their pack, emphasise what a key document it is! Demonstrate revising a topic using the guide, logging in, searching the clip number, watching the clip or ‘One Minute Maths’
Revision instructions… Sit each paper – 1 hour 30 minutes each (candidates allowed extra time 1 hour 53 minutes) Mark the papers with your son - mark schemes are on the school website under ‘Info for parents / Exams’ http://brymoreacademy.co.uk/ Only use mark schemes AFTER each paper is complete Grade boundaries - what grade would they get?
9-1 Grade boundaries - June 2017
Grade boundaries June 2018? Trust estimate…
What next? Identify 2 or 3 topics that will make a difference to your score - make the choices realistic Try those questions again
Revision materials ‘MathsWatch’ – best resource Video clips on all topics, examples, questions with answers To be used for focused revision, choosing key topics, ‘One Minute Maths’, ‘Interactive questions’ and printable worksheets https://vle.mathswatch.co.uk/vle/ Login: firstname.surname@brymore Password: square Edexcel Maths 9-1 Revision Guide (£5 today) Edexcel Maths 9-1 Workbook (Amazon) Please buy your son a CASIO fx-83/85 (£9.59+P&P on Amazon, or most supermarkets) Demonstrate 1. Video clip, 2. ‘One minute maths’, 3. Worksheet – using a Grade 4 clip: eg Rearranging simple formulae, Clip 136 or Mid-point of a Line on a Graph, Clip 133
Revision on return to school Before and after school revision sessions (refer to ‘Countdown Calendar’ - sent home and on Brymore website) Wednesday 6th June – Maths Focus Day (9.15am – 7.15pm) before Paper 2 Sunday 10th June – Maths Focus Afternoon (1 pm – 4 pm) Monday 11th June – Maths Focus Afternoon & Evening (3-5pm & 6-7.30pm) before Paper 3
X Examination dates P1 Thursday 24th May am P2 Thursday 7th June am P3 Tuesday 12th June am Good luck! Mrs Truman & Mr Ashton