Vegetable Revolution: Elementary Edition by Jeffrey Pena, Jeremi Brown, and Cristian Maldonado
Purpose: Discussing the Garden Project Lawton Chiles and their Garden project Our experience: Pictures Concluding statement
Why should I know about the project? It educates kids about a healthy diet. Encourages a sense of responsibility. Teaches about patience and hard work.
Some background information: What is the “Garden Project”? Kids are assisted in planting and caring for a vegetable garden in a designated area. Kids learn about the food chart. Kids will then eat the vegetables.
Garden Projects in Other Schools: What is usually done? Set budget (fundraisers, donations, government funds etc.) Make list of supplies needed: Soil, plants, fertilizer, garden tools, educational supplements. Find Volunteers. Schedule times for meeting. What type of vegetables? Area for garden? Parent Support.
Additional Resources that might be helpful - 3,074 school gardening associations worldwide. - Coalition for the Homeless - provide shelter, meals, education and more, to homeless children. - ADDitions Program, Exceptional Ed. Program, and the Parent Teacher Association encourage parent involvement in activities like the “garden project”.
Lawton Chiles History: Lawton Chiles was a U.S. senator from (1970-1989) School founded in his honor. He gained 2.7 billion dollars for the public school system in Florida. He traveled from Pensacola to Key West to gain recognition. 91 days. 1,003 miles.
Garden Project at Lawton Chiles: Green peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers... Ms. Skoloski (4th grade math) After school club Ms. Debra (Nutrition Program)
Our Experience:
Memorable Moment: Water hose story
“I’m pretty excited to see the green peppers!” -Lawton Chiles student
Debra: “The worm’s poop fertilizes the soil.” Kids: giggled Debra: “Haha. Poop, poop, poop!”
Application for the Future Garden project could be used as: - Requirement for high school graduation - Optional class elective - Summer school remedial credit option
Conclusion Lessons learned: -Importance of planning extracurricular events -Importance of parent involvement -There are many resources available for school activities -Helping kids learn brings a sense of fulfillment